
Do you think my apartment is haunted?

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I moved into a new apartment with a couple friends at the beginning of the summer. It's an upper apartment in a very old building - at least 100 years old. I know that old building tend to shift and creek a lot, but there seems to be more than that. Glasses fall out of shelves, pictures fall off of walls, lights turn on while we're out. I'm not really sure of the history of the building, I know it's been lots of things throughout the years. Is there any way I could find out if this place is haunted?




  1. I would not call ghost hunters or paranormal investigators simply because even though they claim to be skeptical and try to look for normal things first my experience with 99 percent of them is they really are true believers deciving themselves that they are scientific and skeptics. they are too quick to believe and see ghost in pictures of dust orbs.

    However that being said investigate yourself. Try and watch and see if you can see any reason these things happen logically. It may take time.  Leave a tape recorder out at times when you leave and listen to all of it when you get back. Be sure to use a new tape each time. Take pictures at various times, but beware of circle objects called orbs, as I mentioned above most of these are merely dust particles.

    Personally my experience is if a place is truly haunted the ghost appear in bodily form sooner or later. All these websites with "experts" and "professional" ghost hunters  are in my opinion just true believers and it is their hobby.. Nothing wrong with that as I am one myself but this is hardly a science.

    I just wish there was more honesty in this interest.

  2. No you're apartment is not haunted.There is no such things as ghosts.It's silly superstition.

  3. dan can i spend the night n ill let u know i promise, il do it for free too.

  4. yes i do. I have heard that some buildings have what they call "Residuals" that means that people long ago have left their energy there and it is a residual affect on people, kinda like spiritul leftovers. It is haunted.

  5. perhaps you can search the local county library and see if you can find info on the resientsy /how far back in the history goes and see if anything is seems odd.

    i don't know

  6. satan will do anything to get you over your head in something that isn't god. but he can't get to ya if you're surrounded by god's love and peace etc.

    God bless ^-^

  7. first call a reputable ghost hunters society in your area.  get references on them.  then have them visit your apartment to investigate.  they will usually use voice recorders and other equipment.  then they should give you a review.  they will usually do an investigation of the history of the building as well.

  8. Old Buildings also have a tendency to have shaky structures- therefore it is possible that if someone in another part of the building is doing something like slamming a door it could cause a picture to fall off the wall.

    The age of a building doesn't mean automatically that it is "haunted"- but maybe you should consider doing a cleansing if you feel that their may be "energy" left over from other people who have lived there in the past.

    Here is a guide for a cleansing:


    also try these:

  9. Well, ghosts are created when people die but their spirits are left behind. I'd say the 1st step would be to find out if anyone died on that property, and then to figure out if they had a troubled life. You could ask previous renters if they experienced anything paranormal. I wouldn't recommend a weegie board, because those tend to stir up spirits. Maybe you could call a median or priest.

  10. I would ask the person who sold it to you or ask some people

    If i lived there i would move out

  11. I would ask the owner if anybody ever experienced the same things.   Maybe check with neighbors, too.  I bet it  is haunted.

  12. sounds it to me.. maybe you should call T.A.P.S from scifi..

  13. No, it's not haunted. Go over every shelf and make sure every item is placed securely and far from the edge. Do you or your roommates have a cat that might be getting up the shelf? Lock the cat in a room while you're gone to be sure. Take every picture off the wall and examine the hardware used to hang it. Is it simply a nail in drywall or plaster?  If so, that's unreliable and you need to fix it. Regarding lights, make a checklist by your door and every time you leave, check off a box indicating that the light is off and you've verified it. Make sure your roommates do the same, and that your apartment supervisor or maintenance man isn't coming in the apartment.

    If you do these things, I suspect your "hauntings" will stop.

  14. Bring lots of friends over and clean and remodel the home.

    A troubled spirit is just limited in their life experience. make your home holy with brightness and love and you can rise above past troubled history.

  15. call a paranormal expert

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