
Do you think my ball pythons will fight?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 of them one is around 1 to 1 1/2 feet and the other is around 1 foot one eats fuzzies and the other eats small adult rats




  1. 2 males housed together at breeding season may possibly wrestle. This involves no biteing and no animal will get physically hurt, but with royals being the stressy animals that they are this could lead to eating problems, but being that most royals show little interest in breeding and providing that they are in a relatively spacious vivarium you shouldnt have any problems. If one of the animals stop eating suddenly then you should consider seperateing them because one animal could be stressing the other.

    From someone with 20 years experience.

  2. ball pythons are solitary animals so yes, they should be separated. when u bought my two big makes, they were already housed together. they only get along because they were supposedly housed together since they were hatchlings. but they really should be separated.

  3. They do not like to be together, snakes are solitary creatures and will only be stressed if they are housed together.  It is healthier for the animals to be housed seperately.

    This link gives many good reasons why - as well as showing a video of two BPs fighting... you tell me if that is something you can just shrug off as okay for your pets.

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