
Do you think my boyfriend has been doing drugs?

by  |  earlier

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I don't exactly know alto about drugs because Ive never done any, literately. I haven't even smoked marijuana my entire life and I'm 25, most of my friends don't believe me though. Anyway, Here is a little that makes me think he's doing drugs..

1. He acts VERY paranoid, he thinks people are fallowing us in the car and he thinks the police are watching us.

2. He is in a bad mood one minute, the next minute you could total his car and he wouldn't even care.

3. He didn't used to act like this so that's why i don't think its a mental illness.

4. He is very secretive, he hates giving even the slightest personal information, like even his drivers license when he buys beer or something, and he hides his car keys, I'm assuming so i don't go threw his car and snoop.

5. He seems like were just "pals" like he doesn't act like he loves or cares about me anymore. We have been together almost 4 years...




  1. hes probably just cheating on you

  2. Well something is obviously wrong, however a few empty threats might get you somewhere. Try something like: "I know somethings going on, Tell me so I can help or I'm leaving..."

    Of course you won't actually leave unless you mean it but it'll be a good rebuttal to what ever he's doing and he'll think he has to chose between you (The love of his life) or his secret whatever.

    Good Luck : )

  3. this is coming from a ex user.THAT is the way i was when i was using and selling meth(speed)

  4. There's any number of things that could be going on, but something is definitely up.  You left out something very important:  Have you talked to him about his behavior changes?

    You could be right about the drugs.

    He could have a mental illness.  Some of these do show up until about his age.

    He may be involved with another girl.

    I suggest you talk to him about the changes you are seeing.  If his answers don't satisfy you, I suggest you speak with his family or close friends.  Whatever the issue is, I suspect that the nature of your relationship with him is about to change.  Do not compromise your beliefs and make sure you maintain your self-respect.  Good Luck -

  5. He's definitely up to something.  He might be DEALING drugs or some other underhanded activity.  He may not be actually using drugs tho.

    You can try to talk to him, but it doesn't sound promising.

    Watch out for trouble tho.  My gut feeling is for you to get outta there before something nasty goes down.

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