
Do you think my brother's name is going to cause problems when he starts school in the Fall?

by Guest56244  |  earlier

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My name is Sheri Dover which is fine. However, my little brother's first name is Ben. I can see problems when he starts school. What do you think?




  1. its ok. i used to go to school with a girl named Hannah, ponounced ana! no one teased her.

    also a boy named cortny, spelt like that. no one teased him.

    a girl whose last name was flowers, and another girl whose last name was O'Handley. no one teased them.

    and a boy named mackenzie no one teased him.

    is your last name pronounced duh-ver or dough-ver? if it is the first one than it shoulld be fine.

    before school, ask your parent or guardian to go in and ask the teacher not to say his first and last name together in attendance call. hope i helped?! =]

  2. I dontthink he will get made fun of in the early years of school, what 1st grader will understand bend over?  Older school age he may get made fun of, but everyone gets made fun of for something in school... he didnt chose his name so nothing he can do about it, he can laugh with them really.He can always say its pronounced Dove er :) .. my sons last name ugh is Egbert!  He starts kindergarden this year and i can only imagine what he will be called the years to come.. i wish i coulda gave him my last name lol.      I aksed my sons dad what he did when people made fun of his last name Egbert, he said they only teased him once!  Well my son is the biggest cry baby in the world and i can not see him kicking any bodys butt lol...  good luck to your brother as well as my son!

  3. Cruel kids will find a way to make any name sting. The thing to do is prepare your little brother for the ribbing he'll get. Maybe you can think of a witty comeback to have ready. Or just tell him to laugh and forget it. The ones who would do it get thier kick from the reaction. Take that away and you suck the fun right out of it for them and they'll probably go looking for someone else to torment.

  4. If this is true I feel bad for that kid he is going to get beat up! Sorry to tell ya you so right!

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