
Do you think my children would look good?

by Guest59078  |  earlier

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Supposing I had kids with my current boyfriend, I'm curious if You think our children would turn out well physically. I wouldn't care but I'm just curious because I don't know anyone with our combination.

I am half korean, a quarter irish and a quarter native american.

He is 100% ecuadorian

So what do you think?? Good combo or bad combo?? Looks-wise.. i'm only asking because I've never heard of this combo so I want to know what you think.




  1. Looks wise : I think your kids will probably have an olive skin tone...and both hispanic and korean have very exotic looking features. The other races that you have in yourself could show up in your children (i.e. irish..maybe fair hair colour...or maybe coloured eyes?) They might have your eyes...because honestly in all the mixes I've seen with asians included...the kids' eyes turn out looking like the asian parent no matter what the other race is. Of course that leaves the rest of the features...but thats like 50/50...I'm pretty sure both of you are good looking....THEREFORE....good looking parents = hott

    P.S. I guess there are some programs where you could upload both of your pictures and it tells you what your baby's gonna look like...but c'mon now they make the kid look like a demented lie


    EDIT: ummm "see_ya"...honestly your answer was so uncalled for. She never stated that she wouldn't care about her baby's health...she's just frickin' curious. Go play with traffic:)

  2. I think mixed kids are beautiful!

  3. sure, why does it matter?

  4. well, I think it would come out with a big head.

    and maybe some missing arms or no legs or maybe with mental retardation, but ofcourse I guess you wouldn't care if you loved your babies so much and look beyond physical looks, unless they do come out with troubles and you are so concerned about their looks that you dump them in the first orphanage. In what extend would you love your children? I think you are not ready yet. I say adopt one that looks like orlando blossom if looks are the main issue.

  5. I understand your question. I think they would be lovely. Love them, and take good care of them.  

    Good Luck!

  6. u sound pretty and he sounds pretty good look n his self i think u guys would have a couple of cute kids ^_^ best of luck!

  7. You made me smile....hope it was really a joke.

    But some kids who are mixed look ugly and some don't but kids in general no matter mix or not (really there is no pure race, race comes to play when others try to separate from the other), what am saying it can be a great looking kid or ugly but no matter what please love him/her.

    I seen two biracal people, both having a black parent and a white parent, one look like a model and the other seemed gross and reminded me of aliens, so it depends on your genetics and his....and his mothers and fathers....and your mothers and fathers..and so on. Kids don't just take on the two parents.

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