
Do you think my dream might possibly mean something??

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Do you think my dream might possibly mean something?

In real life, I've really actually never been on a plane. So I had this dream a few weeks ago that I went up in a plane and I was really scared but I ended up being fine. Recently, I had another dream that I was on a plane and I was scared again...but I was also used to it from the last time. Both dreams I had the worse butterflies going up and I felt them. In real life I am petrified to go on a plane so do think these dreams might mean anything?




  1. Travel usually means change. Maybe you're scared of the changes coming in your life.

  2. have you been considering taking a trip? If so maybe you should drive.

    p.s. GO WHITE!!!!!

  3. maybe you were thinking about it one day. Or possible change is coming and its letting you know that, by using a plane.

  4. yes your afraid of flying

  5. To see an airplane in your dream signifies that you will overcome your obstacles and rise to a new status. To dream that you are scared says you are experiencing self doubt.

    I think that you are going through a situation in your life right now that is like a roller coaster, meaning there are ups and downs. Your dream is telling you that you are doubting yourself. So i suggest that you get in touch with what you want and need out of this situation and trust that you will make the right decision and have more confidence in yourself. Hope this helps. Good luck

  6. maybe you kind of had a view into what would happen. what about that plane crash in madrid? that crashed before even taking off, so maybe that could explain why you felt scared before taking off?

  7. I think it means you're scared of flying

  8. It could mean that you will soon hear news from a distance or concerning someone who lives far away.

  9. They could mean that great changes are coming to your life, but at the end they would be beneficial

  10. Somthing new will happen in ur life & its good thing due to ur up mean become  higher scare means safe.

  11. it could mean several things.

    like it could just be a dream or

    it could mean that you might be able to over come your fears

    or it could mean change

    or it could mean that a plane will crash in the near future.

    i really dont know.

  12. by any chance are you about to make a huge change in your life?  New job, new location, new relationship?

    I get the feeling its a dream about setting out into the unknown, but knowing deep down that everything is going to work out just fine.

  13. To see an airplane in your dream, indicates  that you will overcome your obstacles and rise above to a new level of prominence and status. You may experience a higher consciousness, new-found freedom and greater awareness.  


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