
Do you think my family should stay out of my life?

by Guest32531  |  earlier

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Ok, well I'm 26 and I have been dating my beautiful girlfriend for two years.

However my Uncle says he does not want me to marry her since it'll look "bad for the family." He says this because she's not Indian like us, she is Caucasian.

I don't think I should listen to him since I'm old enough to make my own decisions, do you agree?




  1. Well your family I feel sure are concerned for you, it is your choice whether to obey them or not. How does your gir lfriend feel about all this ? Do you really love her? does she really love you? How do her parents feel about you? consider all these points carefully and then decide.

  2. Your family has a right to their opinion, and they have a right to share that opinion if they feel it is in your best interest.  Listen politely, and then say, "Thank you for your concern, and I see the validity of your point, but I really feel that this decision is right for me.  I hope you can respect that."

    Your family and friends know you well, so you should always give some consideration to their opinions, but ultimately you have to do whatever you believe is right.

  3. Definitely, you should marry someone who you'll be happy with. She doesn't needs to keep your uncle happy.

  4. Who's marrying her, you or your uncle??  Yes, you should be marrying whomever you want to spend the rest of your life with.  Explain to your uncle that love goes beyond the color of someone's skin, and that you hope he will respect and support your decision.

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