
Do you think my friend feels a need to punish herself?

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I have an adult friend. When she was ten, she and her younger sister were playing at a construction site where my friend knew they weren't supposed to be.

Her little sister, who was almost six, fell, hit her head, and almost died from blood loss -- but amazingly, she lived and sustained no brain damage. My friend didn't get in trouble because her parents knew how guilty she already felt.

My friend, in her adult life, has made self-destructive decisions -- alcohol, drugs, and abusive and short-lived relationships.

I have never told her this, but I think she feels responsible for almost killing her sister and now is finding ways to punish herself.

Any truth to this, you think?




  1. It's entirely possible that the situation you're referring to is at the root of her problems as an adult however after all these years there are many layers there of choices and problems to overcome.  Sounds like she really needs some professional help to sort through and begin to heal.  

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