
Do you think my friend shld have her hair like this ?? ( links sorted!!) ?

by  |  earlier

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her hair now:

wat she wants




  1. Whoa

    If she chooses that haicut she'll look all model like Lol.

    Very cute =]

  2. and it STILL doesn't work


  3. yeah i think that would suit her. Maybe if she got the one she wants just a tiny but longer.  

  4. Im not a member of bebo

    But the cut she wants is horrible...just my opinion.



  5. sorry i don't have bebo. but i HATE  the haircut she wants. i don't like any A shaped hairstyle (that's just my opinion). there are ppl at my school w/ that haircut and it looks great. so i guess it really depends on the person. i don't like the one you showed cuz looks it limp and thin. but if she has thicker hair than the person in the pic i think it would look good. if you has thin hair i suggest she use a volumizing product.

  6. you've asked this question like 5 times now, stop it!

  7. I cant see the first picture because i don't have a bebo account but the second girl is cute so she should go for it.

  8. Totally cute cut! I say, tell her to go for it.

  9. If she wants her hair like that she should go for it, she wont know until she does it, but only if she really wants to.

  10. I don't have a bebo account  

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