
Do you think my future kids names are cute?

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or do you like them?

Boy: Jett Harley

Middle Name: Lucas

Girl: Rockabella Luna

Middle Name: Talise

please dont give any suggestions just opinions because im already set on these names!

thank you and cheers

p.s. i am going for hard core/ rock names




  1. i have a doberman named jett so sounds a bit funny for a human name! rockabella sounds like a funky fairy from a storybook, i don't think you should call your daughter that it's a bit too unusual.

    However Harley lucas is sooo cute and Luna talise is cute too.

  2. Rockabella?  Come on now..that is mean.

  3. Yikes!  I hope you have a boy because Rockabella Luna is ridiculous.

  4. ya they r pretty cute if u want ur children to be rockstars.

  5. Cool!!

    But i hope you know there will be a father involved with nameing them too and he might not like those names.

    Rockabella is kinda weird too, Rockabella would end up being shortened to Belle or Bella!

    :D hopefully i helped

  6. I love the boys name i think it is really cute.  The girls name is ok.  Yes very unique.  But that is just my opinion.  If you love the names than go for it!  

  7. I like Jett and Lucas, but I hate Harley.

    Rockabella Luna Talise is freaking incredible. I wish everyone had the balls to name their kids Rockabella. It's actually cute, a bit out there, but cute.

  8. omg I love your names they are so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I love the boy name but it is my opinion to suggest that Rockabella be switched with Talise

  10. no

  11. I am going to have to agree with a lot of the people who have already answered. I like the boy's name but am not crazy about the girl's. just realize that her friends and family members will probably shorten it to either Rockie or Bella, so lets hope you like those nicknames too!

  12. you think anyone will take "rockabella" seriously in a job interview??it sounds like a stripper name.jett harley is O.K...

  13. 1] why are you asking for opinions, if you don't want people to disagree?

    2] how do you know your future kids will even like rock - maybe they will enjoy classical, or country!!

    3] boys name is OK.

    4] Girl's is sad - no one will spell it correctly. Too many 'L's.

    5] Neither is particularly cute.

    In my experience, picking out names before you have a father means he will NOT go for them.

  14. Go for it my daughters called Oceanella which has had good and bad feedback.  She'll get bullied they say.,she'll find it difficult to get a job!! Well I've known people with unique names that haven't had any problems in life. Were very popular in school have jobs etc. Lead normal lives just like those with popular names.

  15. I like the boys name but Im afraid the girl is gonna get the p**s ripped out of her big time.  What kind of name is Rockabella??  Luna and Talise are nice.

  16. not being funny but are you taking the p**s the will get slaged at school casue you want to call them stupid names like that  

  17. You do realize that Talise is a Native American name, and you absolutely can not under no circumstances name your child a Native American name unless you are Native American, part of the tribe the name comes from, and have had that name blessed by a tribal elder, right? Native American culture is a religion, and you can not just go around stepping all over their religion, breaking sacred law. So I'm going to assume that you are NOT Native, and say no, I think that's a horrible name for your child.

    PS) Hard rock??? What???

  18. I like Jett for a boy...

    I do not like Lucas...sounds too much like mucus.

    I like Bella and Annabelle and Luna for a girl.  I do not like Rockabella it's sounds like Rockafeller (?).  Talise sounds like a disease.

  19. I LOVE The boy's name that's so cool!!! Jett Harley!!! Aaah that's awesome!!!

    But the girls sounds sooo cool...Rockabella...but it's not really a good name for a little girl. Or a big girl.

    For the most part, they're great, though!! Especially Jett Harley Lucas!!!!

  20. I like Talise for a middle name, its kinda cool.  "Rockabella" is unique, maybe a little hard core.  u don't know ur kids personalities, so u shouldn't give them really tailored names.  "Luna" is really pretty though.  Jett Harley is OK, but it also depends on ur last name.  If u have a really long one, ur kids' full name is going to be a mouthful.  

    I think they are all pretty good, maybe the first names are a little long.  But ur kids will definitely feel unique.  Is "Rockabella" a real name?  My suggestion would be to edit that.  It's lengthy, hard to spell, and a little odd.  I don't think u should name her just "Luna" though.  

    hope i helped!!  

  21. nice...unique

  22. i think your girl name will get teased

  23. aw so cute and nobody has those names so it is veryyyyyy unique and i love the names so dont change it at all it is perfect(especually rockabella)

  24. Good on you for being brave enough to call you kids that. But beware it is a bit selfish of you as you have to think, will your kids get bullied cos of their names? You know stuff like that will annoy your children for the rest of their lives.

    Good luck :)

  25. Well, your partner might not like these names. Also, think of names that the kids won't hate you for having when they're older. They could also get teased a lot during school.

    You might even regret naming them with these names after a few years.

    Just trying to help out! :)

  26. Please don't do that to your children....

  27. Why don't you just beat them up yourself?  You'll have a lot more control that way than by giving them those names and letting the playground bullies do the beating.

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