
Do you think my girlfriend is a controlling person?

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My girlfriend and I are both 19 year old, college students, very much in love with each other (we've been very good friends w/ each other since 6th grade and had feelings for each other during 7 years)

Long story short, she doesn't want me to drink, go to parties or smoke. Of course, she doesn't do any of those stuffs...Since she told me not to do those, I didn't do any. She was very happy with me and I felt good.

Now my guy friends don't like her because they say she 'controls' me. They know that I will not cheat with anyone (they say that my gf is one drop dead gorgeous girl, it is true though believe it or not) and that I am a very good guy...

so, do you think she is just a controlling person or what? Those three things are the only things that she wished that i would change, and so far, I've done it.




  1. no shes not being controlling! she just looking out for you. it takes common sense not to do all those things anyway!  

  2. It's been 7 years? Now that's a very long time for you to ask this question.

    Same thing happened to me ,too. My friends didn't like my ex-gf for similar reasons and I generally chose to hang out with my gf as I was pretty much in love with her. Now I hate myself I spent what could have been a wonderful 3 years of my life in  vain. Long story short you should always, always do what will make YOU happy especially at the age of 19 and she should deal with it

  3. No, I'm the same way with my boyfriend.  W've been together for 9 months and starting college this year and I told him not to go to parties and do stufff with girls.  He loves me enough to not do that stuff, so he promises he won't and I believe him. That's normal, girls are just paranoied and jealous:)

  4. Well she may be a bit controlling but she obviously cares very much for you-the things she asked of you were obviously for your best interest-i could understand what your friends are saying, though-at 19 years old there is nothing wrong with having a drink here and there and going to parties is definitely okay..if you truly want to go to parties, drink smoke, etc. talk to your girlfriend about it and maybe make a compromise..but if your okay with how things are going, don't say a thing-remember that it's your decision, not you girlfriend's and not your friends

  5. if i had a gf that did that i wouldnt mind.  those things benefit you

  6. You have a great gf is she isn't into those things and all she's doing is wanting you to not get into any trouble which i think is sensible. don't bring up control issues to her because that'll probably start a fight lol. if you rather go out partying than being w/ you're beautiful girl, then go for it. otherwise, just listen to her lol.  

  7. I dont think your girlfriend is controlling. She just doesn't agree with the smoking alcohol and partying. And you should respect that cause she sounds like she respects you and wants you to be safe and healthy.

    also, try talking to your guys. tell them that maybe you should take it easy on all the (partying,drinking etc.) and tell them that you respect your girlfriends opinion.

  8. Hmmm.... I don't know. A partner can discuss things with you and share an opinion but basically telling someone not to do something is controlling. The choice to do, or not to do something, is ultimately yours.  If you don't want to smoke, or drink, or go to parties that is fine. But you're young, maybe you feel like you're missing out on the fun.  Personally I don't see how going to a party is harmful - esp if you go with your girlfriend.  

  9. I never let a girl lead, I'm the leader in the relationship. But hey if she's hot and that's the only girl you want do it.

  10. I think it sounds like she is.

  11. i think she is just trying to protect u and ur relationship or mybe setting her limits because if u did start smoking she might brake up with and if u went to a party who knows u could hoke up with another girl                   she must really like u but mybe say theres a party on satarday and its going to be fun we can go together

    mybe let her know you want a little bit of freedom which would just be going to parties and mybe she could come to  

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