
Do you think my goldfish is in limbo?

by  |  earlier

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he's been floating upside down for about two weeks but it's still alive, do you think he is just deciding whether or not to die?




  1. I would contact the pet shop you bought him from and ask them if this is typical behavior. If not-->  contact the local News stations and let them know you have a fish that likes to play dead. You may even make some Money out of this whole situation.

  2. He is gathering strength to jump out the bowl and commit suicide...or to attack never know with Gold Fish...they are a dicey group of fish

  3. How can you tell he's a "he"?

    Or, are you watching your goldfish via web-cam and "he's" in Haiti???

    Best of luck :)

  4. swimbladder disease add rocksalt with good aeration and no feeding for 3 days and observe for improvement

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper.

  5. I am guessing it is swim bladder disease. Like another poster said use freshwater rock salt and good aeration. Also if it has been able to eat try to give it some skinned peas as this helps their digestive tracts (which goldfish don't really have....but hey it's worth a shot). If it is swim bladder disease (which I suspect it is since it has been alive for 2 weeks) as long as it can eat it could live forever like that...or it may just magically fix itself one day. If he can't eat though he is probably on his way out soon. Two weeks is a long time to go with no food.

  6. He's just trying to check out your hooters...

    Dirty little goldfish...

  7. Maybe. He probably is trying to hang on to life. Two weeks is kind of a while - you may want to put him out of his misery.  

  8. check it's swim bladder if its swollen it may be keeping it afloat the wrong way.

  9. I'm sure, He probably is trying to hang on to life. 2 weeks is kind of a while. You may want to put him out of his misery.

  10. Could be swimbladder problems or bloat.

    Stop feeding your fish foods and only feed him green veggies.  This will help if he has swim bladder problems.

    If he has bloat, DO NOT add salt to his tank.  Salt causes bloat in fish, especially goldfish.  Salt does not allow these fish toprocess the water they absorb properly leading to bloat.

    If you must use salt only use Epsom salt in the tank not rock salt, not table or aquarium salt.

    Fish rarely die from swimbladder unless they cannot eat.  Try the greens first.  If he isn't righted the first 24 hours, then do a water change and only use epsom salts in the tank.

  11. I'm sure it's because you moved his bowl to a new place where he can no longer see you changing your clothes.  It's suicide by starvation, and pretty much the only recourse he has.  Either move his bowl back, or kiss his fishy *** goodbye.

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