I was his friend in 5th grade and went to the same church, but after 5th didn't see each other much at all, and didn't become closer friends until we started bowling together on the same team in 9th grade. Now I just started college and he's in community college, but we still talk online. We didn't go to the same high school, but he asked me to his prom and he went to mine. This summer we went to the movies and ate dinner together and before I left to college he gave me a cool-looking necklace. I asked him, which I probably shouldn't have, if he liked me, and he said he's thought about it but wasn't sure. What do you think that means? All my friends are mostly guys, and they usually just joke around with me or consider me as one of the guys, but it's different with him. Although, I don't get to hang out with him as much and he doesn't really know my other friends.