
Do you think my guy friend likes me and just won't admit it?

by  |  earlier

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I was his friend in 5th grade and went to the same church, but after 5th didn't see each other much at all, and didn't become closer friends until we started bowling together on the same team in 9th grade. Now I just started college and he's in community college, but we still talk online. We didn't go to the same high school, but he asked me to his prom and he went to mine. This summer we went to the movies and ate dinner together and before I left to college he gave me a cool-looking necklace. I asked him, which I probably shouldn't have, if he liked me, and he said he's thought about it but wasn't sure. What do you think that means? All my friends are mostly guys, and they usually just joke around with me or consider me as one of the guys, but it's different with him. Although, I don't get to hang out with him as much and he doesn't really know my other friends.




  1. Sounds like he likes you to me.  Tell him how you are feeling and he will have the confidence to tell you.  Guys are very shy sometimes they need to hear it first.  He is probably worried to tell you how he feels because he does not know how you feel so make the next move:)

  2. If he liked you, he would ask you out. Saying that he's not sure, when you asked him if he liked you is a cop out.

    Focus on your studies and your future.  There are so many men who will make the first move and will be sure.

    Hope this helps

  3. I know exactly what you feel like. I met this guy over the summer (a couple months ago) and we have kind of been talking. He lives kind of far, and although i sometimes think he likes me, he is too quite and won't say it. In my case it kind of sucks because I'mm kind of shy too, so i probably won't ask him directly.

    For you, i think he does though. I think it'll be kind of weird since you guys have know each other for such a long time, that if something does happen and doesn't work out it will only make things more weird. maybe thats what he wants to avoid. Just talk to him.

    Good Luck!

  4. He likes you, but he's too shy to tell you. The reason why he said that he wasn't sure that he liked you was because he was under a lot of pressure, and he was to shy.

    Hence, he likes you :D

  5. Hmm... if he really liked you he would tell you by now. If it moves past him touching your hand or hair...then he does. If he is to shy to make a move in COLLEGE then come on...he is an adult now. If you like him make a move...if he doesn't respond...then just be friends.  

  6. He may like you and just isn't too sure about his feelings for you at this moment. I would give him some time to think about it.

  7. he sure likes you, so ask him out

  8. im sure he likes you:)

    he probably is scared to tell you because he doesnt want to ruin your friendship.

    just hold it out until you can talk to each other. dont make it awkward, and if it takes to long for him to say it, just tell him you like him! it will help you out a lot!

    good luck.

  9. First of all, major props for asking him if he likes you!! What confidence you have! Okay, anyway. Him saying he's thought about it is a good sign, and his uncertainty could be because he didn't know how YOU felt about HIM. The guy is definitely a prospect and I think you'd be well suited to ask him on a real date. Make your intentions clear (if you want to be with him) and then see where it goes. But all the cards are lined up for a relationship.

  10. sound like to me he does like you and he is just scared what will happen if he would start something with you

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