
Do you think my history teacher would buy this??

by  |  earlier

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So i spent about 6 hours today working on this video

We are learning about the holocaust in school, and thought that it would be a cool idea to make a video about it. In the middle of making it, i was thinking that maybe i could turn it in and get some extra credit for it.

Do you think my history teacher would give me some?? He's an okay person, depends what mood he's in.

I'll try to ask him when he's in a good mood. :]]




  1. It can never hurt to respectfully ask.  

    If I was your teacher, my big sticking point would be for you to prove to me it was your work.  If you can prove you are "RalphMacchioLove" (or whatever your youtube username is) or bring in a copy of the movie and show him or or her your ability to edit it, I would be much more inclined to listen to your proposal.

    However, the type of student that you are could make a difference as well.  If you have generally worked hard and are looking for a bump in your grade, I'd be much more likely to help you out than if you haven't worked hard this year and are just making a last ditch effort to save yourself.

    Overall, I'll say that the first thing I said is the most important thing in my answer- it never hurts to try asking respectfully.

  2. yea its believable

  3. i think its really good. they first part though when the pics go super fast i dont like, but the rest in supa good.

  4. YA GOOD IDEA. tell him how long it took u to work on it.he probly will give u extra cridit but if he dosent o well u tried

  5. I say ask him. And good job on the video.

  6. first of all the pictures are changing way too fast to see anything. secondly they are waaay too graphic for school. third it is not very informative it is just a bunch of facts and pictures. and fourth you never gave credit for the sources of your pictures

  7. Yea, it's believable.

    Good luck!

  8. i think it's pretty good.  if you can slow down the picture transfer at the beginning.  it's hard to catch the pictures.

  9. Totally. It was SUPER awesome and great pictures! I hope you ace it!

  10. if your in highschool or lower i think your teacher might like it. i'm not sure if a proffessor  would give you E.C. thoguh.  

    Btw in my opinion most of the pictures go by waaaay too fast. slow them down a bit so the viewers could get a good look at them. just some input, the video's not bad though.

  11. Erm,

    Otherwise the whole world would be printing stuff off the internet.

    That is someone else's creation.

    What you are suggesting, is plagiarism.

  12. i think he will it is really good and sad : ( we are learning about that also

  13. it's really good, except you should keep the writing showing a couple more seconds and you forgot to write the word injection at 3:36. It says ill jews usually got a lethal to the heart... i like it.

  14. It's really nice. I liked it. I think u'll get the credit.

  15. if its ur work he go 4 it

  16. That would be the best thing (to ask him in his bestest mood)

    But hey, if he says no... you could always just study real hard for tests & do hw!

    Thatll bring your grade up...

    If he says no, dont beg him though...

    Then he will def. say no

    Good luck!

  17. i think he will but if u are a good student they will always belive it so good luck.

  18. heck yes.. but at the beginning the pictures move a little fast

  19. w8. i dont get it. thats someone elses vid and u stole it and want credit? hahahah smarta$$ :P. yes its believeable, considering the date says "Added: May 17, 2008"  :P

    still cheating tho :(

  20. why don't you hand it in later so you can work on it more especially the presentation then you sure to get some more marks. Also he may not like getting things early because he dose not want to lose it.

  21. he would.. doesnt hurt to try

  22. If you need the extra credit I would ask if it was possible to get.. Good luck. I would probably ask in first thing in the morning, before he's had a chance to have a bad day.

  23. Probably. As long as you put some effort into it.

  24. yes he/she would but its too fluttery at the start. change the cuts

  25. Good video.  I just have a couple of suggestions.

    Slow down the pictures at the beginning.  They move too fast to actually see.

    Double-check your statements.  You have a couple that could be worded better and one at the end where you left a word out.

    At the end, cite your sources for your facts.

    Slow down the parts with the words a little bit (a few went kind of fast).

    Even if your teacher won't give extra credit, ask if you can show it to the class.   At the very least he'll be glad that a student extended their learning beyond the classroom!

    Good luck and good job!

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