
Do you think my husband might find it weird?

by  |  earlier

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if I refuse to take off my clothes on our wedding night??

I mean if If I refuse to take off my clothes during s*x....




  1. Have you had s*x before?  Do you normally take your clothes off? Most importantly why is it that you don't feel comfortable taking them off?

  2. it's best to take ur clothes off cause he will find it weird....i found it weird the first time when my guy kept it shirt and boxers on and i was naked. besides it makes it more comfortable when u have s*x.

  3. Yes.

    Part of the fun is being naked together.

    Why would you want to stay clothed?

    When you're married you should feel comfortable enough to be naked in front of him.

  4. if he loves you no he wont care.i mean just explain its your comfort level and that's that.yeah he may be a little worried why but just tell him how you feel.

  5. It is impossible to anticipate how your guy might react.  I know that there are reasons and, most likely, they won't make sense to anyone else but yourself.  No matter what others tell you, you have your own ideas about things.

    I suggest you discuss this issue with him.  Choose a quiet, close time when you feel the least vulnerable.  I know that this won't be easy but it will be far better than springing it on him on the wedding night.

    I hope this helps,

  6. thats not gonna make it easy

  7. I don't think he'd be upset about it. But it would be a tad strange. If you're comfortable with someone enough to marry them, you should be comfortable being naked with them. If you aren't, perhaps you should consider why you're marrying him? If he's made this commitment to you, he thinks that you are a beautiful person inside and out. He loves you flaws and all (be honest, we all have something we want to change). Don't worry about it. s*x is all about being in the moment. If you're thinking about how you look and what he's thinking, you won't have any fun. So do something special for yourself. Pick up some s**y lingerie to get you into the mood. He won't be the only one who will enjoy it!  

  8. wash your vag maybe

  9. why would you not take them off. your husband will probably think your weird.

  10. so what u only suck his balls he is the only one having fun then TAKE IT OFF!!!

  11. Is it because you want to have s*x in your wedding dress??

    If so then if you say your not taking it off because you want to have s*x in it then he might find it a little weird but he might also find it a turn on!

  12. How can you have intimate moments if you still have your wedding gown on? woman...are you having problems with the appearance of your naked body? I mean your honeymoon is not your first time, right? I can't really patch things up....if I were your husband, I'll find you weird.

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