
Do you think my mom has a point??

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I always wanted to be scare actor at Halloween Horror Nights, but unfortunately I'm only 14 going on 15 in October and you have to be 18. And I kept telling my mom that I cant wait, and I really dont wanna wait. And she said "Dont try to rush to get to 18 yrs old. Years will go by so fast when your older. Stay young while you still can." I mean, i guess shes right. But this is something that i always wanted to do. And im really excited, even though it'll be 3 yrs from now.




  1. shes right. when ur 60, you'd ask for death after just 10 more minutes of being 13

  2. I have no idea what involes being a ''be scare actor'' but if there is an age limit for one its probably there for a reason, and two theres nothing even your mom can do about it.

    But your mom does have a point about growing up too fast. When you get older youll think back on everything youve done. It would be wise to live it young while you can!

  3. Yeah, your mom is right. Enjoy being young, you aren't gonna believe how fast time goes by as you get older.

    Second, get some of your friends together and do your own haunted house! You have 2 months to plan.  Brainstorm and pick the best ideas. I used to put on some of the best ones in my neighborhood, and I started doing them when I was younger than you are now.  Its a heck of a lot of fun, and everyone gets a kick out of it.

  4. Well in three years it will still be there and you will then get to do it.  

  5. she is right i knew when i was 15 i couldn't wait to be 18 so i could be out of school,drive,party and just be my own 18 it blows i have to worry about bills,college money,taking care of my i really wish i was still 15 all i had to worry was doing good in school,although there ae some good thing about being 18.but you pay a big price by being older u have way more things to worry about.

  6. When you're 18 yeah silly things like that will be cool, but you'll wonder where all that time went. I'm 22 and can't believe that a year from now I'll probably be headed to my 5 year high school reunion. Don't spend your time in high school wishing it away. Plus in three years. "Halloween Horror Nights" may not exist any more. Things change. Don't get yourself all excited about that one thing too far ahead of time because you may have the very real possibility of having your hopes crushed.

  7. your mom is right... those years just fly by

  8. RELAX & WAIT...........OK!

  9. I agree with your mom, I used to be the same way. Now I'm 25 years old. You should enjoy being young. You'll be like some of us wishing we were young again.

  10. I'm 16 and I'm dreading getting older! Not because of my looks, but because being young is so much fun =]

  11. yes.  you won't believe it now, but you will 30 years from now.

  12. Trust your mom!! You had to trust her BEFORE you got here!

  13. Mom ALWAYS has a point.

    Young folks rush to be old.

    Old folks would kill to be young.

  14. Your mom is absolutely right.  Pay attention to conversations around you. People of all ages are talking about how things USED to be.  Cherish every day. They'll be gone before you know it. Keep a diary.


  15. your mom is right. she sounds likes a very wise woman.

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