
Do you think my mom was right ?

by Guest33195  |  earlier

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I'm 17 , at college and live at home with my mom,About 3 months ago, I stayed overnight at a friend's house without telling my mom where I was (I guess I got a little tipsy and totally forgot).She was frantic with worry and blew a gasket when I got home next morning.She hauled me into my bedroom and gave me six swats with the paddle. I know I did wrong but I think at my age this is an inappropriate way of dealing with it




  1. She was absolutely wrong to spank you at your age, however, cut her some slack on this one since she was likely up all night worried sick because you didn't call and lost it when you did finally come home the next day.

  2. No it was not right, but my daddy still does the same type of stuff.  This kind of parenting truly disgusts us.

    Thank you and good day.

  3. She probably shouldn't have disciplined you in that way, but you should have known better to act in the way that you did.  She probably figured childish behavior should recieve childish punishments.  Maybe when you start acting like an adult she'll start treating you as one.

  4. That is child abuse, inform CPS, oh wait, your over 16, call the cops on her ***!

  5. I have a 17 year old daughter. I think your mom was terrified and that is why she reacted that way...maybe it was an Over-Reaction but it showed you how much she loves you...You Are A Lucky Girl...instead of being upset...go and give your mom a BIG HUG and tell her how sorry you are for worrying her that night and that you love her  and I guarantee she will apologize and I would say you both will cry.~~Aloha Sweet Girl to YOU and MOM~~

  6. Yea it was inappropriate, Your 17 not 7. and she should have gave you consequences that would actually hurt you, not just leave you wondering if she was out of line.  Cuz I'm sure it probably didn't hurt you, it just confused you.  

  7. yeah it is!

    she should have talked to you...not treated you like a child

  8. Yea, you need to remind her that you aren't a child.

    And tell her that next time she has a problem with something you do she she needs to just talk to you or handle a little more professionally.  

  9. The fact of the matter is that you live in her house and under her rules. college or not your only 17 and she must deal with you how she feels is right because it is her responsibility to make sure you don't mess your life up.

    sure a paddle is not considered as punishment today for a teenager but hey she could have kicked you out.

  10. child abuse. even tho you are in college.. its time she let go of her baby and time for you to hide the paddle

  11. well I am sure she was scared not hearing from you.. I would be worried frantic if I my daughter didn't come home and I didn't hear from  her.   She expected to see you and when she didn't , she did freak.  Spanking. well that was a reaction, I am sure if she thought it through and calmed down first, she might have reacted different.  

  12. I think its inappropriate!

    youre 17 for god sakes

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