
Do you think my mother will get the point?

by  |  earlier

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I’m not going to report my mother for child abuse even though she deserves it. I want to warn her that if she ever diss me again in mcdonalds by calling me a baby for throwing ketchup around and telling me maybe I need to be in diapers again and wear a bib. I won’t tolerate it. Even if the charges don’t stick it would make her look bad as a bag person. I’m 16 not a baby. Do you think she will get my point?




  1. oh for pete's sake drop it and GROW UP ALREADY!!! how long are you going to complain about this.. your 16 you should know better than to throw ketchup at mcdonalds...  

  2. your still on this! get over it already

  3. Are you serious? Your poor mother...........

  4. I responded to you last time you complained about this.  Change your attitude, help your mother, don't make her life a living h**l.  Ask her what she needs help with and do it.  You think you want to make her look bad?  That is very very selfish.  You are acting like a child, not 16.  I don't think what she did was right, but hey, maybe in a way you did deserve it cause she was sick and tired of you acting up.  Look at your own actions and if you need to talk to another adult about this.  Don't call the authorities you would really regret it.

  5. No I dont think she needs clearly ARE a baby. Your poor mother.  

  6. shut the h**l up. get a life little boy, or should i say BABY!!!!!!!!

    jeeze you are so annoying, i feel so sorry for your poor mother

  7. seriously you have been posting this same message for the last two weeks


  8. Look Kid.......

    you're an IDIOT!!  you would be laughed at if you actually reported this as "abuse".  STOP ASKING THIS OVER AND OVER!!  Go buy your school go back on Tuesday!!  Thank God Summer holidays are finally almost over!!!!

  9. Maybe if you stop acting like a baby you wont get treated as a baby. You sound like an immature brat pouting because she got in trouble.

  10. no

    what did she do to 'abuse' you? I'm a little confused..


  11. My 8 year old has better manners that you do!  You're so grown up you're throwing ketchup around to prove it!  Oh my word!  Of course she's treating you like a child, you're acting like one!  And to tell you the truth, if you ever did file a report against her, they'd laugh at you.  There's no way that's even close to abuse.  You were behaving like a 2 year old.  Grow up and start acting like an adult and maybe she'll treat you like one.  Good Grief!

  12. wow... yea... you have a lot of growing up to do. throwing ketchup around is really childish if you were having a tantrum. and your 16... your a baby to your moms point of view. get used to it. even when your like 40, you'll still be a baby to your moms eyes. n e ways... you have a lot of growing to do. I'm 18 and I know that I have a lot of more maturing to do. think the same. =D

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