
Do you think my name weird?

by  |  earlier

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My name is April, but I was born in December. Do you think that's odd? I do. I think maybe I was named after the month I was conceived in, but I still think it's weird. :)




  1. Maybe a little, but April is a very pretty name. After all you wouldn't want to be named December would you? lol.

  2. I love the name April.  Had my first child been a girl as opposed to a boy, she would have been named April.

  3. No, I don't think its a weird name! That's my moms name ! Lol. Even though my mom WAS born on April 1st haha, thats why her parents named her that. But I don't think its weird, its way cool.

  4. Nope not odd at all.  I think it would be weird to have a baby in April and name her April.  

  5. Maybe a little odd, but I know a Noelle born in June. And didn't Nicole Kidman name her daughter Sunday but she was born on monday(or was it on tuesday). I guess people can do whatever they want

  6. nope. i know someone like that too.

  7. Aw, no! Your name is cute :)  

  8. I don't think it's weird i think its smart!

    April is such a pretty name!

    You should be glad that you weren't called December!


  9. No I Don't find it Odd, April Is a beautiful name!

    I find that a name says allot about a person, April sounds like a name given to someone who is very sweet and kindhearted.

  10. April's pretty, but if my child was conceived then, I would name her anything BUT that month, it sounds a little tacky.  It'd be better if she was conceived in, say, November, nothing to do with April.  I'd name her April JUST because I liked the name.  Bye!  xxxxx

  11. Maybe a bit odd but April is a nice name.

  12. Not really.

    April's not an uncommon name, and it's not usually named after the month in which you are born.

  13. It is a very pretty and unusual name.

  14. I know a girl named April who was born in November, and I really don't think it's weird at all.  April is pretty well established as a name, that's why - if it were something like September and you were born in December, then I'd think it a bit odd, but as it is I don't find anything strange about it.

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