
Do you think my neighbors will be able to hear my sub woofer in my apartment ?

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This is my first home theatre package I I'm a little uneducated when it comes to the power ratings and how loud they are.

Here is my set :

There are 2 sets connections on the back of the sub....and I only have 1 set plugged its on its lowest setting (-6)

I currently have it sitting on a book, which is sitting on a roll of packing tape to lessen the contact with the ground (ghetto?) until I get my SubDude

I keep it low all the time....i dont watch movies....but the loudest things are like explosions during PS3 games.

The walls are concrete....but when the person above me vacuums, its pretty loud....its woken me up when shes decided to vacuum at 8 a.m. on a saturday.... So im worried about the people below me.

Do you think they will be able to hear it without the subdude? With subdude ?




  1. yes

  2. I would imagine it would depend completely on where you put it and the sound barrier that your walls form.  Easiest way to find out?  Turn it on.  Ask your neighbor.

  3. Probably! But why not be a friendly neighbor and ask them!

  4. I think putting something under it is a good idea, but a solid object like a book just transfers the vibration straight through.  You need something that absorbs vibration too - like a board on a cushion - that should cut the sound to other apartments.

  5. more than likely.  I would check my local noise ordinace to see how it works. I just moved from a town that as long as the police coudln't hear the nosie from OUTISIDE you were fine and they could complain until they were blue in the face.

    I would make sure not to set it on the floor if your worried about the neighbors below you.

  6. Yes, they will hear it, good luck!

  7. I'm the guy who gave you the link to the subdude.  A very simple solution is to go downstairs and introduce yourself to your neighbors and to have them yell up to you when they can hear your sub.  Play a bass heavy scene and just increase the bass till they yell at you that they hear it.

    Also another solution is although your sub is at -6, go into the recievers setup menu and adjust the LFE output (sub level) down also.  This will also lower the volume along with the sub.

  8. yea they probably will.

    you should make a soundproof wall or something.

    styrafoam & egg cartons.

    I have the same problem. but I just dont care they can complain allll they want.

  9. We have that issue at our place. We usually keep the sub woofer elevated with something under it to absorb the shock. We never put it on the ground b/c you can hear it. It sounds loud but only in your apartment. I left one day while my husband and some friend were playing Rock Band. It wasn't loud at all outside. It wasn't until I got to the door and I heard a ruckus. I opened the door and it was then that I heard the loud noise. If you still feel a little worried about it, invite a friend over and play something that is really loud and ask if they hear it downstairs. Good luck!

  10. uhmm id say, ch-yeah:]

    ps3 has some amzing games and sounds, so for sure, they'd hear it.

    especially if your not living in a really expensive apartment

    but if your worried about it, you could get some soundpoof walls, or somthing

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