
Do you think my nose is really large and wide? what can i do to make it appear 'normal' ???

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my nose is pretty wide and i really am self consious about it =[ whenever i take a picture of it i always look at my nose and HATE it

any suggestions?




  1. use your blush or bronzer down each side of your nose and a little highlighter or concealear down the middle and it will appear narrower, but your nose is not that wide anyway

  2. i think your nose looks great! i don't see any problem there.  

  3. your nose is fine, hows the rest look ? ;)

  4. your nose looks fine =]. the only suggestion i can tell you if you want to change your nose is plastic surgery but i dont think you need it =]

  5. Are you serious? There is absolutely nothing wrong with your nose and it isn't wide in the slightest bit. There isn't anything wide about it to my eyes. I'm a black female and while I don't have a big nose I can say that my nose is what you would consider wider. It's not ugly at all but it's shaped a lot different than yours and would be considered wider. You need to stop being so self conscious about your nose because it looks alright. There is no reason to hate it.

  6. dont be silly! ur nose is so cute! leave it! no reason to be self conscious, trust me.

  7. It Looks Fine  

  8. it looks fine

  9. woo,

    id be glad to give you my opinions. since you cant see the rest of your face it is hard to tell how large your nose actually is in comparison with your other facial characteristics. so  you cant really tell.

    i dont even know if you are male or female. i dont think it is a large nose but it MAY be a large nose for your face? who knows.

    but if you are female, there are makeup tricks and tips that can be used to make your nose appear more narrow. specifiy your gender in "additional information" and id be glad to help.  if you are male, there isnt much else you can do other than rhinoplasty. which in your case, from what i can see, would not be worth it.

    hope my opinions helped! im sorry you feel bad about your appearance. =(  its a waste of time and thought.  

  10. Your nose looks fin, but if you are really conscious about it, then try putting a strip of highlighter down the middle to slim it.

    Good Luck =]]

  11. Your nose is perfectly normal,, probably an average size nose.

    Though only way to reduce the size is surgery...but I wouldn't recommend it as your nose is just right and there is risks with sugery.

    It would be easier to see your face to compare it but oh well.

    Remember,, you always judge yourself more than others will. And I bet all your trusted friends will say its normal,, not because they are too nice to say the truth,, probably because they never thought of it as 'big',

    Hope I helped,

    Laterzz =]

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