
Do you think my parents are going to get a divorce?

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Their like always fighting over the dumbest things,they never say i love you to each other, they never even like smile at each other or talk to each other! Do u think they will get a divorce?! What can i do to make talk to each other again!? any advice?!?!?! please help




  1. sometimes marriages end, sometimes they don't, sometimes they stay for the sake of the kids, maybe just tell them you can accept they have their differences, but you want them to be as subtle as possible around you because seeing this makes you sad, you can also talk to a school counselor or someone else about it

  2.   I don't think anybody but your parents can answer that, and that's a question that you don't want to ask them.  What is important to you is that even if they do divorce, they both love you.  You could be the glue that keeps them together.  Smile a lot and try to brighten their day, maybe it will rub off on them.

  3. well i dont know umm you could sit down with them and talk to them about it or maybe something happend  

  4. How old are you? Maybe the best thing to do is to catch them when they are in a bad spot and tell them that they need to get help with their relationship. When it comes from your kid it has a serious impact. Maybe they will wake up and try to work on things. Marriage is never easy; maybe they are just in a rut and need a jump start. Good luck!  

  5. There is nothing you can do and its not your job. Its also not your fault if they do divorce. Sometimes, a relationship has just run its course.

    I wish you all luck. I know it must be hard to deal with. Your parents dont mean to hurt you.  

  6. my parents got divorce and it was horrible. i cried for weeks........e-mail me if u want to talk

  7. Let them know what you're going through and that their fighting is definitely affecting you. Never keep your mouth shut about the situation. The choice that they make will affect you either way. So you should be included. Let them see how upset you are about it. Maybe it'll help them see that what they're doing is upsetting you and it'll make them want to change for the better. But if it's too far gone there's nothing you can do but stay strong sweetheart. Just hang in there. And if you believe in god, just pray and have faith.

  8. tell them how much it upsets you but ultimately it is up to them

  9. I've never had to deal with that so i don't know what it is like

    but you can maybe on their next aniversry you can make them a nice dinner, for just the two of them to enjoy themselves

    or get them to plan a family vacation you can all spend time together and have fun

  10. my parents are probly like you. they probly might talk once in a while but it wouldnt be a jolly mood. i know how you feel. dont worry they wont divorce they love you for sure more then each other so they wont break up for u

  11. thats how some parents are they act like they dont like eachother but they love eachother dont worry

  12. When people are married for a long time the sometimes forget why they got married in the first place and it not anyones fault and there are not much you can do about it,maybe you can call a familiy meeting and discuss your concern with your parents and see if that helps. Good luck and God Bless

  13. Parents do fight over trivial issues when they have lived together for over 15 years. They may not go for divorce at all.

  14. There are always problems with marriages. Some more than others. Adults always squabble over petty things. Don't think the worst. Talk to them, though. Ask them why it just keeps going on and on. Ask them what you want to know. As their child, you have a right to that knowledge.

  15. I have had many family issues before buyt my parents are still together.  The best thing to do is to stay out of there way, dont try to help.  They MIGHT get a divorece but I dont think so.  If you fell like you need to talk about it, talk to your friends or your guidence counsler.  Thats what they are there for.  Good Luck!

  16. If they do get divorced, then you can't make them get back together, but you could mention a marriage counselor.

  17. i have the same as you

    my parents end up divorce and

    maybe you could gave the two talks and how you feel and how they are acting if you could shared alot of feeling and try to cry and they might understand you you gotta talk with them say "i love you all but i guess you dont love to stop this if you love me please please stop this can yuo just say a nice loving words to each other"thats what i say to my parents

    but the still ending up divorce my mom yell at my dad my dad hit my mom and have another woman one times i had a rally bad fever but none of them notice they just kept on fightingthe only one notice was my small brother i rememer the day he cry when i had a worst fever of my life and if you could mail me and we could talk about each other

  18. what does you mom look like

  19. Mine did that and did divorce. Yours could be different. Ive gone through itt so if you need any help with divorce anyone, email and at the end of the message put, from divorce yahoo, so I dont think your a randomer. I can help you coz last year my parents split up at christmas :( email me if u need any x

  20. if there not happy together then divorce is the best thing. My parents recently got a divorce and it made each of them happier. It is hard to go through but its for the best... for them not u

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