
Do you think my parents should give me some allowances ?

by  |  earlier

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I wash dished

I get good grades

water the plants

set up the tables

help them with english

I fill out my own forms and help them

help them on the computers

make my bed

and I don't get even 1 cent




  1. Well, do they even make enough money to be able to give you an allowance?  Please take this into consideration.  Also, do they provide you with everything you need and even some things you want?  If you're being properly taken care of, then you have nothing to complain about.  On the other hand, if they do have enough money, it is quite nice to get something.

    To the person who mentioned only 20 dollars a week:

    Ha! only?  I used to get only 20 dollars a month and that was after I convinced my mom that 10 dollars a month really doesn't go far these days... or those days... I'm 20 now so obviously I don't get an "allowance."

  2. An allowance would be good.  Too many people don't know how to manage money.  If your parents gave you $10 a week, and you blew it all on pizza lunches and junk food, then you wouldn't be able to afford to go see a movie.  If you're smart, you could save that money and buy a big item like a game system or a bike.

    If you have to ask your parents for money to do social things and they just hand it over, what kind of lesson is that?

  3. My 9 year old gets an allowance. We pay him $15 if he helps mow some of the yard. He gets $10 a week for keeping his room clean and making his bed everyday and then he gets money for his good grades on his report card. I always got an allowance so I will always give my children an allowance for helping me. I believe kids should work for stuff they want and not just have it given to them.

  4. that's called being a good kid. parents don't HAVE to give you an allowance, i never got one and did twice that.

  5. Boo hoo hoo. They provide your clothes, your food, and your home...that's plenty of an "allowance".

  6. Why would they have to pay you to do something you should be doing anyhow? It's called responsibility, and you don't get paid for that.  

  7. Nope.

  8. no, they dont have to if they dont want to, and you shouldnt be getting an allowance for doing chores


  10. alot of kids dont get a set allowance if any at all. i didnt and i did tons of things and also helped with my bro and sister. you live in a home where you use dishes  eat off the same table you clean make the bed you sleep in. it is a famly effort to run a house not just one person. i am sure if you need something you are able to get it. also think does your family have the extra money to just give you on a weekly basic. is there other kids in the house do they get money each week.  here is another thought you family cooks cleans takes you places pays bills does the shopping do you give them money for doing things around the house. i seen the comment about good grades no kid should have to be payed for getting good grades. good grades  are something that you should do no matter what you are asking for or given. you say you dont get one red cent. but i am sure they bought the clothing you wear to school the school supplies you use the shoes you wear and the food you eat. and since you are on the internet i am sure that the computer and internet didnt just fall from the sky,

  11. First, how old are you? what do you need money for?  they do not have to pay you for doing chores around the house, after all they pay all the bills, food, etc.  Maybe you could ask them if there is something extra special that you could help out with for money like washing the cars etc.

  12. If your old enough I think you should just get a part time job that way you will get paid for the work your doing. You sound like a good kid and though your parents dont have to pay you an allowance im sure it would be more of a incentive to help out if you did..but maybe they can't afford it? My advice is to get a part time job to earn some extra cash.

    Good luck.

  13. Those are called responsibilites, and everyone should be doing it for free to grow up as a mature adult.

  14. Unless you really need money, like for food at school, those things really don't require money from them.

    You don't really do that much, I had to do laundry, sweep the house, to get money and that was only $20 a week!

  15. Some parents think it is ok to pay for these things while others think it should be a given and you should do them no matter what as a contributing part of the family.. Guess your parents are the later of the two

  16. I never really got an allowance per se, I was never in need, though. If I wanted something and my parents thought it was reasonable they would give me some money. I got money, too for doing more than usual.

    Im going to go against all these people yelling at you. You sound like you are very helpful around the house and should be rewarded. It is also a good learning tool on how to handle money.

    You must keep in mind, though that in todays economy, not every parent has extra money to give to their kids. It might just be that they simply cant afford to give you an allowance. You said that you help them with English, so I assume they are immigrants. It is very hard for people to come to this country and keep up with the usually low wages and high prices. Always remember that you are a good kid and that is a personal reward in itself.

  17. so they should pay all the bills, buy all the food, buy your clothes, work and pay YOU to do a few chores?

    aren't we ungratefull?

  18. Although an allowance is nice, and it sounds like you deserve something, maybe your parents cannot afford to give you one.  Not every family can afford to "pay" the kids for chores, besides some chores are part of family life.

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