
Do you think my sister looks better with or without a lipring?

by  |  earlier

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this is my SISTER we are talking about ok... So yeah my sister got her lip pierced and I honestly think she looks better without it but I want to know what you all think?! - both with lipring - Both without a lipring




  1. I like her without it because it shows her natural beauty. I feel sorry that she has a lipring, I totally oppose it.  

  2. i think she looks good either way.!

    -she def looks edge-ier (no idea how to spell it.!!) w/ it but either way.!!


  3. better without

  4. picture 36, with the exact style everyday and a lip ring..totally cute :))

  5. without....better

  6. i think she looks prettier without.

    she looks pretty with it but it kinda ruins her face

    (i don't really know how but it just does!)

  7. WITHOUT definitely

  8. Without.

  9. Tell her she looks like a mall goth when she's wearing it.  She looks much prettier without it, seriously.  It just doesn't suit her.

  10. yawn another poser!

  11. Looks loads nicer without it.

  12. io actually like her better with the lip pieceing on because when u look at her without it it looks like something is missing and i think that might be it but thelipring does make her look a bit more goth but so wat.....ask ur sis wat she thinks of me

  13. i think she is workign it..and the ring looks nice on her :)

  14. without it

  15. with out

  16. i have to say she looks better with out it. but then again its just my opinion  

  17. much better without one. tell her this to convince her

    " my friend told me one time she tried to kiss a boy with a lip ring and it got hooked to his lip!(ouch!)"

    i told that to my sister who's 25 and she believed me.(because of course it's true, that happened to my bff's bf's sister!)

    -true story


  18. Yeah... without.

    Tell her she's not as unique as she thinks with that trendy a** lip ring.  

  19. tell her to take that **** off;...

  20. with!

  21. Definitely without.

    She has really nice, full lips and the ring just takes away from them.  

  22. She has a pretty and unique face and I think she's marred it with metal.


  23. I can go either way. Sincerely I think she looks pretty good with that lipring in. Good luck!

  24. without

  25. Most definitely without!

  26. either way works... but if i had to pick one, i would say without

  27. with out for sure!

  28. Definatly without she looks dumb with it on but shes pretty with it off!

  29. The reason she got that ring is because she wants to be someone she isnt. She looks more natural without it.

       Who is she trying to impress anyway...her friends? If thats the case,she will never be herself.

      The only person she should want to impress is herself and not other people.

    If her friends influenced her to do this they're not much of a friend,they should like her for who she is,they shouldnt try and change her (looks,that is).

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