
Do you think my wife is using subliminal messages on me, or am i just too worried?

by Guest10677  |  earlier

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The other day we were have a conversation about dinner

and she said, "would you like soup with (Divorce) your salad" then we went for a walk and se said, "that tree looks so beautiful (Divorce) when the sun hits it."

should i be worried or am I just freaking out?




  1. did she actually say the words 'divorce' in the sentence?

  2. do you have a mental illness? seriously. i read other posts. you sound like you make be experiencing halluincations or delusions.  perhaps paranoia.

    i would seek help w/ a cousnelor, before making any decision about divorce or if she's trying to kill you.

  3. I don't think you should be too (divorce) worried about it.  It's probably just your (divorce) imagination at (divorce) work.  I'm sure she (divorce) loves you, but is just (divorce) expressing herself in ways (divorce) that you're not used to.

  4. If you are hearing it, its not subliminal. I would worry.

  5. did she actually say 'divorce' or were your friends in your head putting those in there......?

  6. turn the tables and say I love you divorce would you like to talk.

  7. Dang it she is smart...she is my hero...where was she when I needed advice on my divorce.  

    Sorry but its true.  

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