
Do you think myspace is safe???

by  |  earlier

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My mother doesnt think i should have myspace but,i just wanna see what other people think




  1. Keep your profile on private only accept people that you know and give your mom your login and password. That way she doesn't trip. How old are you? My little sister had one before me when she was in 6th grade. I'm constantly monitoring her page and checking up on her.  

  2. I think so. So long as you set your MySpace to private, don't set a really obvious picture of you as your default image and don't add anyone you don't know. My default picture is of me looking at my rabbit and only shows half of my face.

    x*x ♥ David Tennant Lover ♥ x*x

  3. For the most part yes.

    That being said you need to set your profile to private and only add people that you are sure are your friends. Otherwise anyone could contact you.

    If you do that you should have no problem whatsoever. If your mom trusts you enough to stick to those rules then you should be fine.

  4. It has its ups and downs, but it can definitely can be a bad thing too!

    (crazy pics, bad quotes, and etc.)

  5. lol

    my mom was like that

    until i told her you add people you know

    and you can make your profile either private or public :]

    need anymore info?

    im here :]

  6. myspace, facebook, and others are only as safe as the person using them.  Parent get all crazy about it not being safe because many kids are good at getting themselves into trouble while using them.  Don't blame myspace, blame the morons.

  7. yea it is only if you wanna make it safe

  8. well first it depends on how old you 15 and my mom didn't let me have one unless she had the password to be able to check it when she wanted to. but now that she trusts me with it she doesn't check it as often...

    show ur mom that she can trust you with one. moms are always like that. its pretty safe. just don't give you password out o other people unless you wanna get hacked! lol.

    hope i helped!

    love Kaylee~~

  9. Any internet site can be unsafe if you use it unwisely.

    Be honest with yourself... will you be able to handle the

    responsibility that comes along with having a myspace?

    If you think you can and you really want a myspace,

    then just explain to mom that you are smart enough

    not to give away personal info (like your age, location,

    gender, etc.) to strangers on the internet. As long as

    you are careful about the things you give away, you

    should be perfectly safe.  People always blame myspace

    for everything when truly its the people using the

    site that cause trouble - for themselves and for others.

  10. well that depends on how old you are, and if you are a kid who likes to click on everything just to see what it does and if you are easily tricked by spammers into installing malicious software onto your computer

    all it takes is one wrong click and your entire computer's security is vulnerable, including bank account numbers and anything else you keep on your computer

    but then again, the same holds true no matter what site you are talking about (even yahoo answers!) - spammers are everywhere on every site - trying to make money off people who click on things they shouldnt be clicking on

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