
Do you think nadal can serve and volley?

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Do you think nadal can serve and volley?




  1. Yes, he plays doubles pretty well.  Doubles is a serve and volley game.  Nadal can come in to net and close out points.  His Wimbledon success proves he can serve and volley.

  2. Yes, Rafa can serve and volley but not as good as others who already perfected the trade. Why would he serve and volley in the first place? He's the best at the base line. If you watch him play doubles, you could see that he can volley pretty well, too.

    Serve and volley style of playing tennis is diminishing. Nadal I think doesn't like to belong to that group of diminishing players, right?

  3. he can serve but sometimes hes off on his volleys

  4. Tough question !

    So far in his career he has not shown any inclination to serve and volley. But he is improving in every aspects of his game, so u can't really bet against him going for serve and volley ! But I don't think he is ready for that just yet, surely not in this Wimbledon. May be next year ! With Nadal NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE !!

  5. The answer to this question is a little bit irrelevant.  I'm sure that Nadal probably has decent enough volleys, but I don't know that his serve would be heavy enough to give his opponents trouble on the return.  

      The reason that this question is irrelevant is because the true serve and volley-er has gone, and it's gone away because of the new breed of tennis players like Nadal who are extremely fit, extremely fast, and  can track down most balls, who use a mono-filament string which increases spin, who uses a racket with aerodynamic technology, and swings it with such aggressive spin.  

      Basically the games players, and technology has gotten better from the baseline.  Nadal deciding to serve and volley, would be like Roddick deciding not to hit his first serve so fast.  Nadal's best asset is his court coverage (from the baseline), his crazy spin, and the physicality of his game.

  6. Everyone can serve and volley. It is just that can he execute it consistently and score points with it always?

    Personally I think he isn't suitable to serve and volley right now but I do not know in the future. Since he is so young, 22 years old, I think only time will tell if he will change his playiing style.

    Since he is winning points right now with his superb top spin, I think he isn't too concerned about changing playing style. Maybe when he gets older and his stamina isn't that strong anymore?

  7. i don't think he necessarily needs to serve and volley(although he can throw that in occasionally)but i feel he should attack the net more. he's got such great touch already. and hey if andy roddick can peruse the net more(i mean before last year with connors,that aspect was virtually non-existant or just plain hideous when he tried),rafa certainly can add that attribute to his game-style. you know,amelie mauresmo wasn't a all-out net player,although wonderful net skills,but when she got on grass it forced her to attack on a consistent basis and that's why she won 2006.

  8. I wouldn't put it past him but I don't see him using it. Nadal is the ultimate baseliner and likes to dictate play from there and play on his terms. Serving and coming to the net would meen he would be taking it to his opponent too quickly for his liking and this would not suit him. I think it would take away most of his fantastic game. If he applied these tactics I think he would not be successful.

  9. Oh! he should learn doing that, first he shuld improve his serve, maybe try to serve faster, then he'll be able to reach the net after serving.

  10. he's revving up for Wimbledon on the grass DOUBLES court so that should teach him some serve and volley skills and manouevres. A natural he's not but he seems to be a good study and a fast learner. Everyone is amazed at how he has improved on ALL surfaces,adapting his strengths to each of them.

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