
Do you think news programs such as NBC cares about going green?

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Do you think news programs such as NBC cares about going green?




  1. Some people in the company might genuinely care. but the only reason NBC did that was because they wanted people to see NBC as a network that cares for the environment, and so they would get more viewers. A very secondary goal in this might have been to actually go more green, but by far the primary reason was to get more viewers to watch NBC.

  2. The networks and media only care about one thing... MONEY!  The more readers, watchers and ratings equals more money.

    If reporting going green is going to make them money then they will like going green.  h**l, if showing people getting their heads cut off with a machette creates good ratings and makes money then they would like that too.  As long as if its with in  the FCC guidelines they will do what ever they can to make money.

    Please, do yourself a favor and turn off mainstream media, news, tv shows,ect.  They are bastardizing society.

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