
Do you think nice biscuits are actually nice or were you lied to?

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Mystery person: people talk c**p here because its like talking to normal people, and generally when talking to normal people we do tend to talk c**p in with it aswell




  1. theyre boring

  2. they are nice lol mad question  

  3. I was told as a child that 'Nice' is pronounced 'niece' because they were named after the region in France. No idea whether it's true or not.

    I think they should change the name to 'Not Bad' biscuits.

    Edit: My God it's actually true!

  4. They are nice :)

  5. ...delish - especailly when you dunk them in tea!!

  6. They are nice - the label was right

  7. I don't like them

  8. How weird, we went shopping earlier, and m husband said 'get some diestives' i picked some up, he said 'no i meant nice' i said 'we have got some but they are not as nice from tesco, ones from here are nice' lol, they have the name for a reason! YUMMY!!!!!!!

    Ooooooh, we have just been dunking them in tea, extra yummy!!!!!!!

  9. I think we were lied to!

  10. it's not pronounced nice, it's said, 'niece'.

  11. We were lied to - I prefer chocolate biscuits anyway.

  12. Yes they are very very nice ...!!.xx

  13. I think Matthew was dropped on his head.

  14. they are nice indeed. good with milk.

  15. Nice are very sweet but plain, but the real Rolls Royce of biscuits is the undervalued gingernut.

  16. I was tricked, too much of the coconut about them!

  17. They are Ok, but they do make a lovely cheesecake base.

  18. They are sooo nice they could have been called yummy!

  19. I really dont know what think about that


  20. I have a feeling this is code for something...

    I personally like milanos the best ;)

  21. Oh no I thought they were very nice.

  22. nice


  23. oh for god's sake, why do people talk c**p on here?

    don't dare talk back at me!

  24. I like Pillsbury biscuits myself.

  25. Biscuit is a really cool word

  26. Lied to.

    Too too sugary for words!

    Cardboard with sugar on them.

    No, no, no, no, no.!!!

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