
Do you think nice clothes can make an ugly woman look better?

by  |  earlier

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but, on the other hand, isn't it somewhat pathetic that although she tries so hard to look less ugly, she's still ugly in the fascinating clothes.. there's saying like "Cast not your pearls before swine."




  1. No. If somebody is physically ugly only make up and or cosmetic surgery can make them look more appealing.

  2. In a way, yes. When a woman dresses in her most flattering colours and styles, she can look much better than she would if she just threw something on. For example, I can't wear orange because it makes me look even paler than I already am, and I can't wear loose clothes because I have a curvy figure.

  3. well sort of. if they wear fitting clothes that flatter their body type. but to be honest, only a ton of makeup and cosmetic surgery can make a ugly person look "pretty"

  4. Forgoeing all that stuff about inner beauty and such.....

    If you put something that's not that great into a great package, its still better than giving something not that great a terrible package.

    Not to sound shallow (I'm really not lol) but I think nice clothes can take unattractive women from the "I wouldn't even consider it" level to the "Well she's not that bad I guess" level.

  5. Nice clothes make anybody look better. I wouldn't call her pathetic, I would call her confident for wearing what she likes.

  6. no. fat women are atrocious no matter what designer mu mu they wear.

  7. Sometimes, i like more an ugly woman than a beautiful, mean one.

    Personality can make her the most beautiful woman in the world o_O

  8. you mean like putting lipstick on a pig? Try doing that all day long and at the end of the day you have a red lipped pig. Don't want to run naked under the moon with that.

  9. yup

  10. Absolutely. Just like with Men, they say "The clothes make the Man".

  11. I think anyone would look better if they took a shower and put on nice clothes.

    That includes the homeless and the elderly.

  12. First of all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!  

    Anyone will look better well-dressed.

    Good clothes, well made, the right size and style for the person would definitely make a person look better.

  13. No,

    They can only make the clothes look worse.

    Ralph Lauren

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