
Do you think no homework......?

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do you think no homework should be a law? I think studying for tests should be the only thing. I have a billion hours a night it's sooooo annoying! so what do you think? tenn points best answer!




  1. i agree!!! i mean i think we should just have to study for tests bc we get SOO much!! lol we'll call the president!

  2. Only work that is designated homework, that's just stupid.

    If you don't finish your work in class then it should be homework.

  3. i dont study at all and do very well on tests

    and yes i hate hw im a senior now and only have 2 academic classes that give me so much hw and i dont have time for nothing realy

    but i do it at school casue i have 3 hours of avid and i do nothing but hw in there hw can go back to classroom

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