
Do you think obama will mandate rosetta stone?

by  |  earlier

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for all americans now, since he is embarrassed of our lack of verbal diversity? and how high an opinion do you think obama and his wife have of americans now? man i am going from dislike to hate on this elitist kid.




  1. Please stop using elitist to describe Obama if you don't know what the word means. He grew up in Indonesia raised by a single mother....

  2. So, let me get this're against having a better understanding of the world around you.  Is that correct?

  3. who cares we are headin for doom.............i cant make ends meet ....too much month at the end of my am i bovered

  4. If he does, he better make it free.  With the prices of gas, food and other necessities, I wouldn't pay the price for the stone.

  5. You are borrowing from trouble with all these looney fringe neocon moonbat suppositions.

    Obama represents positive change for America, after 7.5 years of Bush debacle. Embrace it, or get laughed into history.

  6. First he cannot do that it would be illegal because he would be creating a monopoly, second and most importantly why should Americans be forced to learn another language besides English if they never leave the US they should have little or no need for it, I am tired of all the Mexicans and other Spanish speakers in our country that cannot speak a l**k of English they need to go back to their own country if they want to speak that c**p as their primary language all the illegal aliens in this country are the biggest problem and they need to be gotten rid of!

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