
Do you think obama will win the presidencial election?

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Do you think obama will win the presidencial election?




  1. no...not enough fringe voters to put him over ...the mainstream is too leery of him...hes just too way out there..these kind of wacko's draw the attention of the media and everybody fawns over him and The Wife but at vote time,the real electorate that doesnt get polled in the surveys will cast their ballot and then the real numbers get counted...hes toast...its just right now the media wants him so bad and they want you to believe its so...but it aint happening

  2. Yes I do.


  4. YES!!! For the good of the USA and world may it be so!

  5. For the good of this country...I sure hope not.

  6. I think he should and will. Some white people wont vote for obama because he is black, and that shows that they are racist and just cold hearted. But i am going to vote for obama anyway. Because bush is not doing a d**n thing and who ever voted for him is just plain idiotic.

  7. No way No How No Obama

    McCain/palin 2008

  8. I hope not!! He has absolutely no experience in making big decisions. He keeps playing the "first african american president'' and he is not even african american, he is bi-racial. Oh well I really hope he is not out next president.  


  10. Popular vote: Obama 53%, McCain 46%, with the difference split between Barr and Nader and also ran.  Electoral vote: Obama, with more than 300.  Bank on it.

  11. With Palin on the ticket of McCain's there's no doubt now.

    Why did John McCain have to channel Walter Mondale for 2008???

  12. I you are religious and have hope lets hope obama wins and mcshame looses.

  13. No.  

  14. no.

  15. He might, he's a great orator.

    Should he? No, we're not ready for socialism.

  16. No, he will lose by a landslide!

  17. I truly hope he does...because the worst he could do is still superior to the past 8 years we have survived through.

  18. I did until yesterday.

  19. We will know when the debates come.

  20. I thought he had fooled enough people to have a shot. But man, the way these Democrats are striking out against seniors and women all of a sudden, I'm beginning to wonder. Let's see, how to run for President. I know, let's attack and alienate the 2 largest voting blocks in the country. Never understand liberal logic I guess.

  21. Yes, unless the Republicans steal it again.

  22. Its going to depend on the debates I think. I see Obama maintaining something of a lead through most of September. As I expected, he made an incredible speech at the end of the DNC, which seems to have given him an early boost in the polls, the last Gallup Daily Tracking poll I saw had him at 49-41 over McCain. This poll was taken during the speech, and before this, had them tied at 45-45, so you have essentially an eight point spread just because of the speech. I do not see McCain getting a serious boost out of his convention, at least not to the degree that I expect Obama to.

    But the debates, as usual, are going to be key. Both McCain and Obama are not spectacular debaters. But Obama in particular has proven to be an exceptionally weak debater lately, particularly in contrast to his oratory. If he stumbles in these debates with anywhere near the number of "umms", "ahs", and awkward pauses as we saw at the Saddleback Forum, McCain could gain a few points just by not making any major gaffes. Obama needs to focus on debate practice and staying focused on the audience rather than the moderator, which is why I think he really lost at Saddleback.

    Remember what happened in 2004. August was a terrible month for John Kerry. He got basically no bounce in the polls from the Democratic Convention, early August saw the rise of the Swift Boaters, and his failure to respond to the attacks cost him dearly in the polls. This, coupled with a largely successful Republican convention at the end of August, a focus on national security featuring moderate Republicans McCain, Giuliani, Schwarzenegger, and conservative Democrat Zell Miller, allowed Bush to open up a 15 point lead over Sen. Kerry which he held for most of September. That was until the first debate, in which President Bush was disastrously underprepared, and John Kerry aced it, almost instantly bringing the polls back to a dead heat for the rest of the campaign, almost enough for Kerry to pull off a win. The debates can change the entire race perhaps more than any other event.  

  23. I hope not. I'm voting McCain and I think that putting Obama and all his socialist views would put us in a position similiar to Soviet Russia, and I also believe if his anti-guns standpoint would play out well, it would be nothing more than a "failed social experiment" like prohibition was. I have a gun, and I go to church, but I haven't used my gun for anything and owuld use it for anything except to shoot an intruder in my house. (Better them than my 1 and 2 year old).

  24. in my book , Ds and Rs are both corrupt . for true change im going nader .

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