
Do you think obtaining the health care you want will be easier and more available if everyone is covered?

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Do you think obtaining the health care you want will be easier and more available if everyone is covered?




  1. yes

  2. They need to make health care more affordable so working people can buy it and use it, without getting ripped off

  3. Probably not. There will be longer wait times and decreasing quality of care due to medical personnel bailing out of their profession. Part of the proposed solution mix will ultimately reduce the compensation in the medical profession. Without that obvious motivation, far less competent people will pursue careers in medicine, Most people in medicine are not motivated by their great humanitarian desire to help their fellow man. It's the money. When that decreases, their enthusiasm will follow suit.

  4. At least I wouldn't suffer from that awful tooth ache:

  5. Yes, it will be more affordable, and we'll be a healthier nation, because people won't be putting off going to the doctor for yearly check ups. Fossil Man you are full of sh*t.

  6. It will definitely be better for the country...any person who wants to see someone left behind to die because they can't take care of themselves is sick in the mind and needs some more healthcare!

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