
Do you think of global warming as being a personal threat?

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We've all heard of the effects. But how many of us actually do something about it? Do you think of the impact it would have on your own life, not just the large picture or do you think its easier to just no think about it?




  1. Yes,it IS a personal threat.It will help storms such as hurricanes,and bring droughts to my home.If the temperature's in the summer keep going up..............WE''LL DIE.

  2. Like Jello I fear an increase in government intervention, taxes, and intrusion on our daily lives --- over something we cannot control in a practical manner.

    and Carbon Credits are simply a new "money" exchange welfare system from the richer countries to the poorer countries (or those classified as EXPANDING Economies-- like China and India).

  3. i think it is  the bigggest question in the world.

  4. No, it's not.  Not personal, anyway.  It's something that's probably inevitable, so we're going to have to adapt to as a community and maybe a people as a whole, but it won't really be serious for the next 100 years or so.  Quit reading the hype from lame politicians and go study geology.

  5. Global warming today and global cooling in the 1970's both scared a lot of people. This is a method for the environmentalists and scientist to make money. Most of their funding is by government. I personally don't see the climate change of the earth being a threat. It changes as the earth rotates on it axis. If the axis changes 2 degrees within a year, dramatic climate changes would occur such as a tropical area would start to become dead and a deserted area would flourish. The earth's axis does in fact change but it is only about 1/2 of a degree each year. Also the earth rotates around the sun and moves closer to it each year. This may have some effect as well but it is unlikely. Co2 is the blame for the so called warming but without it the plants such as the large trees that produce our oxygen would not be able to live. This all takes place with cycles. If CO2 is to blame then why is it that during the last ice age CO2 was at its highest point in history? Anyway if is such a bad thing we should get rid of our fire extinguishers, dry ice and soft drinks. I know that there are other gasses other than co2 but they are all debatable. What I am saying is that global warming is a scam and it's making money for a lot of people which is good because it helps our economy by creating more money flow, but it is not honest. This site on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) site shows the high and low extreames in temperature. I find it rather interesting that the highest temperatures were in the 1930's.

  6. Yeah I also stay awake at night worrying about the alien invasion from Mars...that is just a probable.

  7. No.  The Earth has warmed and cooled many times over the millenia...... WITHOUT man!  Well....let me back-track....I do see the threat of increased taxes, increased cost of food and manufactured goods... that may come as a result of the media and political pimping that is going on with this 'man-did-it' global warming scheme.

  8. If I'm fortunate I have about 25 years left to live.  I do not see "Global Warming" impacting my life.

  9. Yes - Personal freedoms will be infringed and taxes will be raised in the name of global warming.  And this scares me.

  10. I go about my normal life and try not to worry about that that I can not affect directly.

    I am scared of being taxed to death because we all know if you tax it people will stop. good thing we tax booz and cigarettes and no one smokes or drinks but hey we tax them and it is all better now.  

    This is nothing more than feel good libs trying to solve a problem that does not exist.

  11. A threat to every body.All citizens have the right to live in Pollution free world.It is not an individual concern.An individual

    can arouse the awareness but the govt. must come down with all its might to fight against the menace.

  12. Yes it will probely affect your life

  13. Yes, there will be fights over fresh water.

    Last night we broke a record for coldest morning temp -22 F

    for the date.

    We will become more vigilant when things get worse, that is if in fact we are a contributor to it.

  14. if it kills you and harms you and yr family, then it will be a personal threat. Those who ignore it are living in denial. Of course it would be easier if you don't think about your problems, but problems never get solved when you dumped them..

  15. I can survive it, but can you

  16. Personally, I think this has more to do with Earth's natural changes and evolution than anything that we did (though it could be, it's hard to say).  I do think we need to do everything we can to be kind to mother Earth, but it is hard to believe that we have caused such widespread problem.  I have been more worried about the alarming rate of cancer in England and their propensity to stick any old thing in their living room fireplace (like styrofoam or painted wood).  I think there is a connection.

    I think we need to think about the environment a bit more than the financial bottom line here, too - but it is easy for me to say that, since it isn't my money that is going to be spent to refit energy producers, car manufacturers, etc. to reduce our own pollution emissions.  Those businesses employ a lot of people and if they go under, we have a lot of people on unemployment.

    By the same token, it is important to make sure these new solutions are beneficial all around, lest we cause another problem by trying fixing this one.  Flourescent bulbs for example are notorious for giving off high EMFs, which some say are detrimental to health.  Are we trading energy efficiency for health problems?  There are too many variables and there are too many people ready to go off willy nilly to throw solutions at us out of fear.  It feels like the Magic 8 ball answer (Answer unclear - ask again later) but that's what I think.


  17. As it stands right now, I feel there are threats to my health if I ignore all the warnings.

    There are several concepts that need to be fully understood before anyone can make progress in cleaning up earth.  

    One would be the effects of the Industrial Revolution which have provided many conviences which heretofore haven't been available to humans.

    We now are seeing the destructive side of these inventions, namely the deadly aspects of the oil based consumption.

    Oil has diven the Industrial Revolution, and has given us plastic, which made it's debut some sixty years ago.

    With all the oil spills and debris from plastics thrown out, we now inhabit a highly polluted world in need of attention.

    Nobody so far is giving the desired effort to do the cleaning up, so our world lingers and chokes us of the vital resources necessary to keep some 6.4 billion people living healthy, as well as the many needed animal species.  

    The capitalist system now in place in many parts of the world would benefit greatly if a wholehearted effort were made to get everyone moving in the right direction.  

    The problem is that governments turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the erosion of earth, favoring corporations instead of punishing the polluters.  

    It's a matter of getting people working again, and towards cleaning up the mess created over a time span of some one hundred and fifty years.

    Who can you think of who would be willing to make a true commitment toward cleaning up the mess of previous generations?  

    There are means available to get us moving in the right direction.

    Trees, especially those that are large and intertwine with others to create a sun screening effect (I've seen this in place in several places, and it actually works to improving our lives through cleaner air and sun filtering).

    I can create for you a list of needed changes, but nobody is interested, so the economy slackens off and business does same old, same old.

    I do seek ways to improve my life and keep my health going while many around me are falling apart due mainly to an imbalanced economy and an eroding environment.

    As long as we have top contributors who are basically skeptics, there is no immediate solutions to the failing of our environment.

    It is a battle in the making between the lazy skeptics and the committed environmentalists.

    Who wins out?

  18. GW is a very complex issue. The atmosphere is ver large and I know it is a personal threat. Humans live on coasts, coral can not sever temperature shifts. Do some studding and join this grassroots movement.

  19. Imagine...When the skies turn red...when the forest trees wither... when the animals and other living creatures die..because the ecosystems food chain is destroyed... when human food resources become inadequate because production  is lowered...due to unfavorable weather conditions...Global temperature changes unfavorable to food production and human dwelling...all these well a personal threat  to each one of us including you..Both directly and indirectly. Its only a matter of time to make you feel really uncomfortable. Right now , you may not feel the direct consequent effects. Tomorrow, in the future, much changes caused by global warming will affect us all...and our way of life..if you can survive well  enough to tell the tale. ALL WE HAVE TO : ACT RIGHT NOW TO REVERSE ITS .EFFECTS

  20. Meh. Lazy skeptics and deniers (equating us with holocaust deniers). Which side calls their opponents names? That should give you some idea of who is reasonable and who is overly emotional.

    The main threat from AGW is the 'solutions' currently proposed by the EU and UN. If the US won't fall into line, they've already told us they'll take steps to make us pay our way regardless, thru increased import duties and other fees. The carbon trading scheme makes no sense at all.

    One of the problems I have is that environmentalists aren't  happy when they get what they wanted.  They yelled for cleaner air and water in the 1960s and today we have both. But it's not enough so they've created scares about Alar, about cyclamates, about DDT, about radon gas and countless other things. At some point you tune them out. So even if they presented credible and easily verifiable evidence that the moon was going to crash into us, I'd have to take the time to triple-check their numbers.

    There are more trees in the US now than 100 years ago. The water is as clean as it was then, no human waste, quality is carefully monitored.. The air is in fact cleaner since very little coal or wood is burned now compared to that era. None of that matters, they demand the last 1% be cleaned no matter the cost or how ridiculous it is. And they become shrill when anyone mentions nuclear power, as if we'll all grow an extra arm like in a science fiction movie. It's the best alternative we have to fossil fuels and they won't even consider so what is their real agenda?

    Now that many big corporations have signed onto AGW to increase their profits that's used as 'evidence' of AGW. The only other solution they've proposed requires us to dismantle our entire economy to reduce emissions by 87%. No lights, no heat, no A/C, no fuel. How many people would die then?

    Claims that we'll all starve due to CO2 increasing kind of ignores what most people learn in the 4th grade. Plants like CO2 - a lot. That will mean more agricultural production, not less. If you really want to help, buy some land and turn it into forests, new trees absorb a lot more CO2 than old growth trees. That will require forest management which again the environmentalist movement as a whole opposes. They don't even want brush and deadwood removed which is why modern forest fires are so much more ferocious than they used to be. Trees are great at sequestering CO2, when you cut them down to use, you can plant new ones and they'll do the same thing.

    Guess who's opposed to the logging industry, even when they plant new trees, in equal or greater numbers to the ones they cut down? Guess who opposes new dams to store water for use in time of drought? Or building new freeways that will relieve congestion and let cars run for less time and at more optimal speeds to reduce pollution? We've been trying to build a new freeway in Utah since 1996 and guess who keeps filing lawsuits to block it? With many environmentalists any deviation from their demands is unacceptable, any difference of opinion is heresy which makes the other side seem rational by comparison.

    If you're also worried about drought and flooding, maybe we can finally get around to building a national canal system in the US like they were discussing about 200 years ago. Too much water in Texas? Send it to California. Or vice versa. And we could always use desalinization like they do in Saudi Arabia and other places, it's expensive but like anything, the more you do it the cheaper it will get.

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