
Do you think older voters will vote for McCain because all the age related attacks toward him from Obama?

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I know when the clintons used racial tactics, black people lined up for Obama.




  1. yes, I do believe so. But they would have voted for him anyway. Old people are smart.

  2. If they are as aloof as he is.  I'm sure when they stop and think about it, and put their selves in his shoes, at 78, this day in age, it's a challenge to Live at that age, let-a-lone run a country.   The Mind and body just aren't what they used to be.

  3. As one of those older voters you think are so easily fooled, no. Obama has never mentioned McCain's advanced age. He has only pointed out that he lacks and always lacked good sense and contact with the average American.

  4. Of course.  Older and wiser.

  5. Yes

  6. Maybe some. But all the seniors groups, like the AARP, are not going to support a Republican. If you read the AARP website, it's obvious that they're opposed to Social Security reform. In other words, s***w the younger generation. So, even though McCain is old, I'm voting for him because I am young.

  7. i certainly hope so and i urge young people to do the same and the "tweeners" also mr. obama is a clown and a liar and has no business in the presidential race so no-one should vote for him

    senator mccain is the real deal and needed to be the president 4 years ago but his time has come

  8. No, but I do think that there are some older voters who will vote for McCain only because he is not black.  (Sad but true)

    Still, it won't give McCain enough to win.

  9. This 62 year old is voting for Obama because he is on the right side of the issues most affecting seniors.

  10. Us old geezers always vote for the guy that will promise the biggest increases to our social security checks.

    Let those young whippersnappers pay for our retirement.

  11. How many black people lined up for allen keys when he ran?You have no idea what you are talking about. Obama never said anything about McCain age

  12. Older people are looking for the real deal.  Obama isn't.

  13. Older folks will most likely vote for McCain with common sense, morals, and traditional values in mind.

  14. seems thats all obama can do is bash his age. but mccain bash obama for his inexperience or race. LOL

    ageism is a form a racism.

  15. Nope McCain himself has used his age to promote himself.

    And I think America, especially near his age understand the risk his age is, they see friends and husbands pass everyday - his age group is at extremely high risk.

    One thing the elderly are not in denial about is the fact that there are fewer days ahead than there are behind and that the world is almost always more confusing than it used to be.

    That's why McCain won't email - a simple "skill" in todays world.

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