
Do you think once a momma's boy always a momma's boy ?

by Guest45481  |  earlier

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I'm not talking about a man who respects his mother .I am referring to a man who runs home to his mother anytime he feels slighted.




  1. no not really i have never been a momas boy i am always hunting or fishiin or playin  my guitar

  2. YES!!!!  And don't believe the hype that they will change!!

    Once a momma's boy ALWAYS a momma's boy!!!!

  3. Unfortunately, yes I think so! I have been with my boyfriend for almost five years, we're both approaching 30, and I still feel like sometimes I'm competing with his mom! Sad, but true. I don't think those kind of "boys" ever grow out of it!  

  4. Yes. I've never known that to change.

  5. Yeahh! You never go back.. aha

  6. yes, they'll always have that certain love and want to be with momma

  7. so true unless they go through some pshcological problem that they face on their own something that will take them out of their comfort zone...

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