
Do you think once or twice?

by  |  earlier

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or don't think anything before you do something.




  1. usually twice... wait... yes, twice :)

  2. I tend to over think things....Missed many an opportunity because of it....need to learn more how to jump on  opportunities faster.

  3. I think once, but just because I think about it doesn't mean I don't still make the wrong choice

    : )

  4. once, twice, three times, and four!! doing this keeps me out of trouble.

  5. If I could only just think once and then stop, that would be the end of my ego and I would know what Reality is. Unfortunately, my mind rattles on like some old crank box, and taking any action out of this confusion just adds more to it and the world. You should be asking how to stop the mind completely so you aren't adding to the suffering so rampant in the world caused by non-stop thinking.

  6. Depends:

    If i'm in the middle of the road and a bus comes honking down on me I don't even think, I react and jump the heck out of the way.

    If i'm laying in bed at night and have an unresolved thought form image wondering around in my head I think and think and think until the alarm clock goes off and I get no sleep whatsoever.  

  7. Honestly, I Don't Think Before I Do Anything. And it gets me into a lot of trouble.


  8. Yes, I think a lot before I say (or don't say) something. I think before my actions as well.  

  9. That's a strong/weird question, i don't think you can think twice i think that you just think once but you think hard when you think :p And i don't think its possible to not think about something everyone has a conscious. You may not think long or hard about it but you think about it somewhat.

  10. It depends on the degree of difficultly, breathing, no.  Crossing in front of a speeding car, a definite, yes!

  11. Twice.

    As a tradesman, you learn to measure twice, but cut once.

  12. i think about 30 times before i do ANYTHING.

    and even so, i end up making the wrong choice. I KNOW what the right choice is, but I don't want to do it.


  13. I am going to start thinking twice from now on.I usually think too much but depends on what it is.

  14. I think twice, but sometimes the second thought comes so quickly that I think that I've only thought once after all.

  15. When I go shopping I always always always ask myself "Do I want it, or do I NEED it?" when I'm strapped for cash. It helps me out a lot. When I'm doing things in general, I always think of the possible good and bad outcomes of doing so and then make a decision. :)


  16. Twice at least! I risk assess everything I do!

  17. it usually depends on what i am going to do...if it is something huge, i'd think about it more than twice, otherwise once is enough.

  18. it depends...some days im crazy and spontaneous

    but other days i weigh the pros and cons for hours

  19. not enough sometimes

  20. I usually don't think because I know the out come even before it started.

  21. I always think twice. Well not really, but that's what I aim to do.

  22. once, but usually for a significant amount of time

  23. I always try to put all the possibilites through my head before doing anything. I overthink too much most of the time, even for very little things.

    I am not sure if this is the right way to go, but it provides me with security. I know that sometims i have to act more on the spot, but I have to work on that.



  24. I usually thing about things before hand.  I am impulsive, so a lot of the times I think after or not at all.  Then there are times I think for too long and I let opportunity pass by.    

  25. i usually don't think about things until i after i do them

    then i feel stupid for not thinking before hand

  26. I dont think.

    Everything for me is spur of the moment.

    Thats why life for me is so much fun

  27. I  DO..  thats  it..  i  just   Do  IT!!

  28. It depends on what it is but usually twice

  29. Depends. Sometimes I'll think long and hard before I do something, and others I'll just jump right in to a decision.

  30. It all depends on what it is I'm about to do lol

  31. Usually more than twice.  

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