
Do you think one can still admire / adore something even when it became familiar?

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Do you think one can still admire / adore something even when it became familiar?




  1. Oh, this is one of my biggest fears....

    So let's keep some distance between us, eh??

    hehehehee   xx

  2. yes. the more u know it, the more u will like it.Ü

  3. Definitely. The right kind of familiarity...I think will actually cause someone to admire another even more than they ever dreamed possible... :)

  4. Hello! Sure you can and you will adore the thing(s) you know for a long time or got used to. If you have/use it for so long, then you ARE attached to it and it's one of your favourites. Believe me, when you care about the thing(s) you have and use them properly, you will find it very difficult to get rid of it/them.

    Good luck! :-)

  5. I still adore/admire my parents...even though one is gone and the other is on her way out!  Nothing and No one is more familiar than those two (except for my sisters and sons) and the graph doesn't go southward!

  6. ...absolutely, just like wearing an old pair of comfortable blue jeans or a pair of shoes that have molded to your feet...familiarity has it's virtues in many walks of life...often the things that "go stale" are made of shallow wishes

  7. You can. The intensity might wane a little bit. That is normal and even good as it would be exhausting to maintain the initial  emotional high. Of course as time goes on one will get to know more details about the person and not all of them will be positive. This might mean a more nuanced realistic view of the person, but there is no reason it cannot still be very positive.

  8. Most definitely because it takes a little more work.

  9. It's more admirable and adorable when it IS familiar :)

  10. Yes, it can happen -I've been married 22 years and I still admire/adore my wife.

    The wife of Chico Marx (of the comic Marx brothers) once said that even after they had been married for almost 40 years her heart still skipped a beat every time she heard his footsteps.

    (That sort of thing can prevent even the cynics among us from becoming totally jaded).

  11. No.  It only remains adorable when it remains lovable.

  12. ...count the many faces of a smile, surely there is no enjoy...

  13. Well the old saying goes that familiarity breeds contempt...yet I have seen many things time and again and still remain in awe.  Photos by Ansell Adams, Paintings by various artists at the Huntington Library in LA CA and at the Getty Center...Yes they are familiar almost iconic in some ways...but that doesn't reduce their ability to inspire or allow for admiration.  PEACE!

  14. I've been happily married for almost eight years. My wife and I are definitely familiar to one another... and we adore each other like we just met. Do I think it can happen? Heck, I know it can! LOL!

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