
Do you think one day finally huuman being will manage to literally travel to the past ?

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Do you think one day finally huuman being will manage to literally travel to the past ?




  1. No, I don't believe this at all - because IF we EVER learn in the future to travel to the past, we'd be seeing people from the future traveling into the present all the time! And if we only learn to travel to the past in order to do nothing more than SEE what happened (as in, we wouldn't be able to interact with the people in the past - as though we're coming back in some sort of other dimension), well, what would be the point of that? Well, okay, it would help in, say, solving murders, but I highly doubt that humans would be contented with just seeing the past and never interacting. I don't believe for a second that we ever learn how to do this. I deeply believe that God must limit what we are able to do -- I mean, can you imagine the havoc humans would cause traveling back in time?!

  2. yes, ofcourse... but as time passes by. it's just like wondering in thee past when airplanes were'nt created.. they're like man can't fly and now look, we have everything.. well almost. and probably some time in the future a very briliant scientist will creat a time machine and we all can travel back to time, but i see no point in that. y would u go back to ur past, u shouldnt relive them, that's how ife's suppose to be and if u want to fix ur mistakes, there's no point. u wont ever learn from them. also like the buterfly effect, i think if someone goes to the past from like 2050 or from the futre w/e ... it can creat lots of changes and evrything so it's better not to. leve our world the way it is... creat more peace!

  3. Yes we all can do that, you've done it I've done it. This is  what you do get a camcorder record something, play it back in 10 years and there you are you went back to the past. when you are 30 you can see yourself as a kid if you recorded it.

  4. NO That is an illusion put forward by all that want to claim some spiritual dimension. If you had space ship that traveled faster than light you could travel into space and look back at past light reflections off earth. Don't understand theory why sub atomic motion slows at speed of light, but sure it doesn't go backwards.

  5. Actually every  living human being is to receive God's judgement by reviewing one's past as he/she leaves this world.

  6. that is a tough question

    If we learned more about time we could possibly achieve it. One of my teachers explained time to be in a circle, because it is never ending. If this is true then it would be possible to travel across the circle into the past

  7. I think one day they will be able to travel to the past but I do not think they will be able to return to the future.

  8. One would assume that if they could, they would already be doing so.  They would most likely have traveled to us at some point.

    And I know many will argue that if they are, they are probably hiding to prevent changes in their timeline.  But considering the foolishness I see out of humanity today; its hard to imagine there wouldn't be at least one stupid person who wouldn't care and would just mess up the timeline in some kind of bid for future power in their own time.  Probably quite a bit more than one.

    So while it may or may not be possible, I don't believe we ever will achieve it in the future; or we would have already seen evidence now.  At least, that is what I think.

  9. I'll doubt it! Time travel requires traveling faster than the speed of light, which for many experts is highly unlikely, rather impossible.

    Experts on this subject have come up with some very wacky theories and concepts. However many still remain skeptic.

  10. To travel literally to the past is to read (literal) something written in the past about travel.

    I wouldn't worry about it really, since most of humanity lives in the past anyway.

  11. only if they learn how to spell and use grammar first.

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