
Do you think only caucasian people are considered pretty?

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  1. yea right! i see beautiful people of every race every day. some people are physically unattractive, some are beautiful. race has nothing to do with it!

  2. no way

    anyone can be stunning!


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  4. h**l no..

    I truly have to argue that I think there are pretty girls within every race...

    I know that's a cliche statement, but for me it's true.

    For men it's a different thing I feel.. like I'm a straight woman, and when I 'check out' men, I have certain preferences.

    But for women, I appreciate all their beauty.

  5. Good heaven's no!  Halle Berry is gorgeous.  Will Smith is an uberHunk.  Selma Hayak?  AWESOME!  Then there's J-Lo, Vanessa Williams, the Rock, Denzel, Whitney Houston (in her younger days) ... I can think of a lot more attractive people of color than caucasians, but then I think Brad Pitt is too pretty to be attractive and I don't find Sarah Jessica Parker attractive at all.  Even so, both are steller actors so what's the point whether someone is attractive on the outside?  What's INSIDE is what counts and inside we all bleed red no matter what race we are.

  6. No, I don't think that.

    But thinking that is not racist, someone needs to check his/her dictionary.

  7. Sorry, but I couldn't help noticing yor question, which is without question, the stupidest, most self absorbed,  vapid, and vain thing I have ever read.


    I only hope your life gets more interesting, you poor thing!

    Thank you very much,

    Still laughing!

  8. to Horoat, it is racist. i think u should be getting a real dictionary, racist means that u think one is superior than the other and this is somewhat racist. and i disagree with u

  9. Asian women are by far the prettiest women in the world. Black women are without challenge the sexiest. If Caucasian women were so pretty, they would not invest billions of dollars per year darkening their skin to be like other women, they would try to be whiter.

  10. no, i dont think so

    every race has its own unique kind of beauty

    unfortunately, people are so influenced by the media's portrayal of white people that they're inclined to think that is so.  

  11. no way

    thats racist if u think that way

  12. No, I think as a white caucasian woman, I get a very bad deal. I think you get attractive people all over the world and it doesn't matter on race. That's irrelevant but there are more women than men and a lot of men can take their pick. White women aren't attractive to many men really. Or maybe it's me lol. Roll on life!

  13. NO!!!  Cause caucasian women have no azz!

  14. me personally no.

    as for this question being racist or whatever. i dont think it is. people have preferences when it comes to who they find attractive. its not racism its just natural to maybe find yourself more attracted to one type of person over another.

  15. There are pretty people in every race. If you just look at people of different races, some are very pretty. I have a friend who is from India and she is very pretty. She really makes her self look nice. I think some caucasians are not good looking. I am caucasian so I can say this. I think there are more pretty people in the world besides caucasians.  

  16. Not at all!

  17. No most of them are unattractive. About the only Caucasians that are pretty are between the age of 16 and 23 over that they look old. Asians are pretty for most of there life. Asians even look young for there age. i know some asian women that are about 40 and people think they are about 20.

  18. h**l no, every race has its pretty people


  19. I just tried writing a really nasty remark to this question but words escape me.  

  20. No. There are pretty (and not so pretty) people in every race. If you think only people of one race are pretty, or think a certain race of people are unattractive only because of their skin color then you're a shallow racist.

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