
Do you think only the police should be allowed to carry guns?

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Not enough people understand this issue. Between 1995 and 1999 over 1200 police officers a year were convicted of crime. I don't understand how some people think it would be good if only police had guns. Can you enlighten me?




  1. This is regarding Africa.  Do you have statistics on the United States or are you from Africa or overseas (overseas from the US that is).  I don't want to comment on Africa since I know nothing about their police.  Interesting link non-the-less

  2. No,

    where I live I can legally carry a loaded handgun in plain view.

  3. This is a tricky issue. Personally, I feel that police should only carry a gun if the public is allowed to carry a gun. Police are citizens just as much as anyone else in the region. And if ordinance prohibits a gun for one then it should be across the board.

    In areas which allow guns to the public, then yes, I feel the police should carry a gun.

    I work with law enforcement, and it is debated. I side with legality. And with the law of survival, and protection, I feel that police should carry a gun if it is needed in that area. If the state bans guns then it should be ALL or nothing. No favorites, no special treatment. Most countries work the same way.

    I am against the notion of any one group of people have guns while another doesn't. That takes away our right for self preservation. Although, I know what you mean. If they banned guns, and only police had guns. then according to logic... if someone was killed by a gun then it would be only a police officer who commited the act. That could be used in court as a defense. If a cops shoots someone (if all guns were banned, then what excuse would they give for ever firing a shot).

    Oddly, this was a proposal my professor thought was good. Ok, the debate is about owning guns. Then let everyone be allowed to own a gun. But ban the sales, and possession of ammo. You think that would work?  

  4. I don't really understand what you are asking. You say 1200 police officers were convicted of a crime for a 4 year period. A crime could be littering or a simple traffic violation. You need to be more specific. I mean considering over 1200 people in the US are convicted daily for violent felonies. Don't get me wrong, I do not condone criminal activity and feel that all officers are held to a higher standard and 1200 crimes in four years is unacceptable. Now about guns. If guns were banned, without a doubt, officers would not need to carry guns. Look at England, it works for them.

  5. well police, security and body guards all carry handguns as of 9/11 they were all intruduced hand guns

  6. Cops should be limited to nonlethal weapons such as rubber bullets, tear gas, tasers and mace.  

  7. No.  What if a guy shoots at me and a cop isn't around?

  8. I carry a gun but I am not a police officer I went through a training program with  the NRA  went through an extensive background check and everything, I carry it for self defense but only as a last resort. Police officers need to have guns, because the criminals do.They all have familys and would like to go home at night to see them.

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