
Do you think other cultures have other kind of humours?

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Do you think other cultures have other kind of humours?




  1. I in fact know they do.  I have a friend who's boyfriend just moved here from Australia about 7 months ago.  While he's learning to "be American" there are still plenty of our jokes and antics he either does not understand or appreciate.

  2. definately because that the culture is different. for instance if you went up to a certsin cultures and said a yo mamma joke, they may punch you in the face... (while here it's kinda funny (usually))

  3. Yes!  If you spend enough time with another culture you will notice it.  I know a lot of Mexicans.  One thing they find humorous that we wouldn't, necessarily is they call each other names of animals like Ox and Toad as nicknames.  It is "demeaning" in that friendly kind of way.

    One time I was walking with to Mexican friends of mine to go shoe shopping and one of them asked (I'm leaving out accents for simplicity...), "Donde estan los zapatos?" (Where are the shoes?)

    I responded with "Antes de los domingos!" (Before the Sundays!)

    This is funny because the word for Saturday is sabado, which sounds a lot like zapato. was a little play on words.  

    It's hard to explain, really.  You kinda just have to experience it to understand it.

  4. I know they do for a fact as well. Try to translate french jokes or italian stand-up comedian jokes to US english...they don't make any sense, and their ideas of humor in general are totally different. Or for even more of a humor-culture shock, watch anything Japanese that's supposed to be

    Most of the best 'humor' in general is situational comedy, and seeing as how being in a different culture is a completely different situation, then yes...humor differs from culture to culture.

    I mean, even the American and British senses of humor are completely different...and we're probably two of the most closely "related" countries in the world...

  5. yes

  6. Being Mexican/American  you find the humor in each culture no matter who you are. I recently  gave one of my sisters a lift  to go shopping for shoes with one of her (drop dead gorgeous) friends.

    I joked to make sure the shoes are pointy in the front so she can kill the roaches in the corners.Yep,we river crossing,taco eating,chili pickers sure have one h**l of a sense of humor.

  7. No. Only your culture. I take it that your culture is egomania?

  8. Sure they are.

    Just think of the british sense of humour and compare it to the german one! It's totally different!

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