
Do you think other human beings are conscious and have mental states?

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Do you think other human beings are conscious and have mental states?




  1. RC, and Tess in her own way, gets to the heart of your dilemma. Are you the person who once asked here, "When I die, do all other things disappear?"

    No. The Primacy of Existence means all things exist independently of you and your mind. Thus, you are not the creator of the existents, the things, in your consciousness. Your theory is called the Primacy of Consciousness, and it is a fallacy of your epistemology.

  2. I know where you're coming from, and I've wondered this on plenty of occasions as well, but it all comes down to this:  If we are all capable of theorizing about life, then how can it be that the rest of the world is non-existant.  Again, this does not entirely disprove this theory, just makes it seem a h**l of a lot less likely.

  3. No.  I am typing this because I expect no one to read it.

  4. No, none of us here are real. We are just part of a dream you are having.

  5. Answers are sometimes self-explanatory.  Here is one of them:

    If someone points a gun at you or comes charging at you with a huge sharp knife, would you be fearful and concerned?  Expect similar reactions from other fellow human beings until shown otherwise...

  6. No, just you.



  7. what do you mean by "other" human beings?

  8. Humans have varying degrees of consciousness, each progressing at differing stages, and some confined in negativity.

    Indiscriminate judgment is impossible, preconceived expectations of others are inadvisable as it leads to false conclusions, therefore you must judge as you find others.

  9. What do you think you are ?  The only one be "out of the category" ....

  10. I think they do, but how do i know if other human beings see exactly as i see. i see the color green, as green, but it could be possible that someone else sees green as i would see yellow, from their point of view , but they recognize it as green just as i do. because its green. how do i know your as real as i am? i cant see from exactly where you see. if your even there...

  11. terrific question.

    I think Wittgenstein answered this.

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