
Do you think other peado's idolize Glitter or M. Jackson?

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A young current musician (member of an indie-syle band) said his hero was Gary Glitter - alluding that he thought he was a great musician, but why exhonerate someone who is so detestable?

Even the way people go on about Michael Jackson makes me sick.

They made good music, but is that worth more than the sanctity of a child's innocence?

How effed up are these people who hold them up as 'gods'? Have they no morality?




  1. haha yeah king of pop? more like king of tots! lol

    to be fair, the m,usic they make is different to the person they are, but ethically we shouldn't revere these people for anything, even if they are talented musicians. it's not like its an excuse

  2. When I was younger I loved Michael Jackson's music and I really liked Gary Glitter's too. I didn't know about either of these two private lives. However, (don't forget MJ has been proven not guilty). When I learned about GG I started to despise him and all he stood for Bxxxtard. But, his music is still good that cannot stop, although you do not here it any more. Same goes for MJ, still think his music is fab and will always, if he is ever proven guilty I will detest him then.

    These people you talk about may hate GG & MJ but that does not mean you have to hate their music, these people are not turning them into gods just because of that,


  3. yes

    a few people rang radio five live last night and openly supported glitter

    it was horrible to listen to  

  4. Michael Jackson was found not guilty, you r****d. Don't compare him to that convicted s*x offender.

    Do you know how much money Michael Jackson has raised for charities, ever hear of We are the World?

    What the f u ck has gliter done to help the world.

    If Jackson was clearly guilty all the money he has could not save him from Jail.

    Man, you and some of the people who answered are so ignorant.

    As for nutster, just to inform you, before Thriller there was Off the Wall a critically and commercial success and after Thriller there was Bad and Dangerous each which have sold over 30 million.

    Most of Michael Jackson's well known songs - Billy Jean, Beat it, Don't stop till u get enough etc were written and composed by him. He's the biggest selling solo artist ever, real one hit wonder...

  5. no, their hero is Peter O'Phile

  6. Michael Jackson is a Musical Genius and not a convicted Paedophile.

    This question is outrageous.

  7. glitter was found guilty and not hiding the fact he is a paedo, jackson was found not guilty after a long trial, I bet you think the Mcanns should be made saints because you believe thay had nothing to do with Maddies dissapearance just because you heard it in the media. Lets stick with the facts. Gary Glitter should be castrated and dumped in the ocean for shark feed, FACT.

  8. The police know very well perverts share information.

    From How to behave when caught, where's the best place to hide p**n to what parts of human rights act they can USE to escape punishment, enable them be freed ASAP & continue with their sick sick lives.

    I wouldn't have called gary glitter a musician.

    His band played the music, he was just the loud plastic geezer at the front.

    & Any one who idolise him needs their heads tested!

    As for michael jackson, it's the same thing, he's just the mouth-piece & as MJ can't even read musical score!

    He has money from the sale of a one-hit-wonder album thriller to enable him to INVENT his own fame.

    If I had a pound for every copy of thriller, donated to the local charity shop, I'd be a rich rich woman!

    And according to most head-doctors ( spell-checkers being a pain, again! )

    pervs cannot be cured only put out of their misery

    A permanent solution to their problems & ensuring the safety of all children, forever.

  9. You should be able to separate the art and the artist.  

    If an olympic athlete won a gold medal, and was later found to be a s*x offender, the person may well go down in your estimation, but the sporting success should be untainted. Same with music, if we chose music because of who made it, we'd have lots of rubbish CD's by the dalai lama, stephen hawking, etc.

  10. Nothing is worth a child's innocence being torn away from them. and no they have no morality, something sadly lacking in the people of today.  

  11. Sick question.... but funny !!

    Pedos are sick individuals.  It is our duty to protect children, OUR children, from such sickos.

    ( I prefer to misspell a word pedo )

  12. Worst question ever!

  13. Michael Jackson, as strange as he may be, Is not a proven s*x offender.

  14. That is just too sick to think about....

  15. fact: micheal paid a lot of money to be found innocent

    fact: he spent nights in hotel rooms with boys

    fact: he had boys sleeping over in his room, in his bed,( how many 44 year old blokes do you know that invite kids to sleep in their beds and it be classed as normal )

    lots more facts in the micheal jackson case, fact is the parents of them kids put a price tag on their childrens innocent, still don't make him any less of a paedo -

    Gary glitter has made a million pound in royalties since being in prison, who the f@ck gives him airtime or buys his music now

    yes they made good music, no i would not listen to or buy either of their albums now - dirty dirty b@stards

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