
Do you think our 2 party political system is broke and what the founding fathers intended it to be?

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How can our US Senators and House represent the average person when they represent 1% of the average wealth of the nation. Do we acctually get to choose who runs in the two parties or does the party?

U.S. senators had a median net worth of approximately $1.7 million in 2006, the most recent year for which their financial data is available, and 58 percent of the Senate's members could be considered millionaires. In the House of Representatives, the median net worth was about $675,000, with 44 percent of members having net worths estimated to be at least $1 million. By contrast, only about 1 percent of all American adults had a net worth greater than $1 million around the same time.




  1. yes it's broke

    the parties choose

    where did you get your stats?

    at 1% life isn't that great or secure

  2. The founding fathers had no idea that the system they built would progress to this point. If they knew how we were throwing away amendments left and right, they would likely revolt all over again. mark my words, you better pray obama isn't lying to us, because the alternative is civil war. it is only a matter of time. the people will organize, maybe not today or tomorrow, but eventually it will happen, and lines will be drawn clearer than they are right now. I've seen it in peoples eyes. This country will change one way or another.

  3. h**l yes it is broke. The founding fathers had no idea that people would be professional politicians.....serving for life. Their salaries don't bother me. What bothers me is that they are not in touch with reality. They spent away our future and don't seem to give a rats behind about it.  F@#K them all!  I apologize if I was not clear.

  4. Yeah, everything these days about politics is messed up. But I bet the founding fathers didn't intend a black president either.

  5. I feel that establishing term limits would be a big help. Say, 4 years max for representatives, 10 years max for senators and 30 years max for supreme justices.

    Just my 2 cents


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