
Do you think our Presidential candidates are clueless?

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For example, Obama thinks we have 57 states, while McCain thinks Czechoslovakia still exists. Do you think these candidates have the experience, or the capability to run this country? Thanks.




  1. Yes, though the examples given were probably just oral-typos on their parts, rather than actual dumbness.

    I tend to believe (and I've never been one for conspiracy theories) that the power has shifted from what we're told to something or someone else.

    Recall Bush's response to the Chinese incident (their plane clipped ours and both went down...ours landed on Chinese soil). He was the same, docile, jovial guy we knew as governor here in Texas. I thought he should have immediately imposed a trade embargo until we got the wreckage and crew back...intact.

    Now, fast-forward to 9/11, only a few months later. He was still Mr. Friendship, Mr. Nice-Guy the encourager. Obviously, it was unavoidable that we'd find bin Laden and probably be at war with someone.

    Then, one night just a little before the March '03 invasion of Iraq, he gave a short press conference where all he seemed able to say is "therlbearsheem change" (there will be a regime change).

    He could hardly talk. It's almost as if he had been drugged. Now, if he voluntarily requested some sort of prescription, it isn't likely he'd have taken a powerful tranquilizer. Rather, to look sharp, he'd have requested something like Provigil or similar.

    I really wonder how powerful the military-industrial complex has become.


  2. when did any of them say this-

    can you give some proof-

    i dont believe obama thinks there are 57 states-

    or mccain said czechoslvakia is still around-

    i think obama has the cability of running this country-

    ron paul too-

    mccain is just a really old man- who wants to keep the war going!

  3. Honestly, I say we keep Bush just a little longer and redo this whole thing. The candidates running aren't that bright. One is just stupid, the other has no credibility. I don't even want to vote this election.

  4. Obama doesn't think we have 57 states.  Don't be obtuse.  McCain's gaffe on the Czech Republic was the same.

    Being exhausted from the campaign trail has nothing to do with experience and capability.

    Get some real issues to talk about.

  5. We all say something stupid from time to time.

    When these guys say it, it is magnified by a million times.

    Both McCain and Obama are smart.

  6. I never heard the one about 57 states - but if you pay attention to the campaigns for a little while longer, you'll see that Obama, a former professor, is very well informed.

    Edit: I looked up the "57 states" story , LOL, he did say it. "57 states, with one left to go"

  7. Maybe in someways they are oblivious, however what American isn't

    i think they could more be classified as hypocrites since all you hear them say is that they know the problems of the average American.

    Really? How? "Average American" is a category they haven't qualified for in a long time. I wish they would just be honest with the voters, I don't know what your going through, I only know what my advisors see on CNN, if I could hear that once I will die a happy man.

    And as far as McCain and Czechoslovakia, give the guy a break, I mean he was around for the Hapsburg Empire.

  8. You have to factor this in:  they exhaustively campaign, make countless stops, speak before rallies/town halls, and are still dealing with the summer heat on some important stops.  Some gaffes are to be expected, but I'm sure Obama actually knew how many states we have.

  9. Does it really matter? They are both CFR(Council on Foreign Relations) members. The CFR was created by the Federal Reserve in 1921 to push their agenda(NWO). From the CFR comes 90%+ of the people in the State Department, and key positions in the Executive Branch.

    Our electable choices for president are a CFR member, or a CFR member. The only difference is the two party pony show they put on, while our country continues down the straight, and narrow agenda.

    What many don't realize is that our choices are chosen for us, not by us, via the media. Ron Paul made sense. Where was he on TV when he was in the running? The Federal Reserve owned media gives their boys(and woman) the air time, which eliminates everyone else.

    McCain, or Obama will continue the New World Order agenda, as the CFR owns them. As puppets, who simply play the role of salesman, they are better off being clueless. Otherwise they might have an original thought, and end up like JFK.

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