
Do you think our athletes were happy to see Brown's ugly mug?

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and wouldn't he be better off trying to put right the mess he's got this country into.




  1. with you 100% ..we need a government that can pull this country out of the mess we are in ...and we need to scrap the human rights bill ..hmm who fought for that? ah yeah Cherie ..made a fortune out of it..its good in theory ..but the practice is just all wrong! ;) (don't get me being all political!! lol i normally avoid these questions!!)  

  2. It' good browns running the country  and not that wally Cameron, a lot of you have short memories to just how bad things were with the likes of Thatcher in power, at least the labour party do try to make things fairer,  that Tory shower would have you all working for peanuts, so they can look after their rich friends  . they don't give a d**n about the working class

    oh look at the thumbs down . do i care , no not at all, some of you lot will believe anything , just wait and see what happens when you get your Tory lot in

  3. Jigs..

    A wonderful description of the labour party.

    Could not have put it better myself.

    Cut the poor mans 10p tax rate so the rich can get richer...I think Gordon Brown done that...Not Blair...nor Major.

    Gordon Brown gone to china to make sure all that gold comes back to Britain.

    Fools gold....for a

  4. I live in hope that the bandit will be refused re-entry into the U.K. !

  5. The man is a gold medal cert for the gobsh*te contest!

  6. Strange how the medals dried up a bit today - BMX cert fell off - Tae Kwon Do geezer lost - and all as Brown arrives.

    He is a shithead - he should resign insted of pissing off to foreign places whilst our country goes to the s*****r

  7. I'm sick of all this Brown bashing when most of the seeds of this were sown by grinning idiot Blair and the spectacularly useless John Major.

    Brown has just become a scapegoat. Meanwhile Major gets a knighthood for his trouble and cosy slots on Radio 4, and Blair gets to trot the world as a global statesman. There's no justice.

  8. Well he is the last person I would want to see, as I would have plenty to say but I won't blame him for everything that is wrong, as it is a global crisis. I have voted Labour all my life but because of the McConn saga I won't ever again unless the silence is broken. However I will NEVER vote Tory, so I guess I won't be voting unless someone can charm me.....

  9. ha seem to forget the flipping mess the Tories got us into...& yes - our athlete's would be proud to see any PM...irrespective of political party...they have all done us proud - don't make this about politics mate!

  10. they have nothing to thank him for. the conservatives allowed  lottery funding which gave sport the support that it desperately needed. browns government gave no help at all to sport.

  11. He turned up to bask in some stolen reflected glory.

    The man knows no boundaries in how low he can get to try and gain votes.

    I bet the Athletes felt used and abused, the shine hasn't gone from their achievements no matter how hard Brown tried to steal it.  

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