
Do you think our friendship is leading to affair?

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I am friends with a married man. We see each other once or twice a week and I think I like him but I am keeping it to myself because I respect the fact that he is married. He even made it clear that he is just interested being platonic friend’s withy me. He is planning to visit my place soon. We are just good friends and we enjoy being together. He told me tat he enjoys my company and I am nice person to talk to.

However, he calls me one or twice a week using a public pay phone to just talk. I feel so excited when ever I see him or whenever he calls. He is my best friend.

Anyways, when I went to visit him today, he started talking about women he used to date years ago. He started telling me about they are s*x like and how good she was. Then he told me that as he was talking, his p***s was getting hard. I jokingly asked him if I can feel it then he was like sure. Then he touched my butt and started playing with them so I guess he is sexually attracted to me.




  1. Yep, another failed marriage down the drain.

  2. If you have to ask then it is!

  3. Remember: spooning leads to forking.

  4. He is married and clearly this is not just platonic.  If it was, why would he need to hide it?  You need to decide if you are ready to be with a married man.  Even if you don't sleep with him you have already done more than his wife would like or more than you would like if your boyfriend/husband were to do it.  Ask yourself if you will be able to look in the mirror everyday.  And know that even if he says he wants to be with you, if he did it to her, chances are he will do it to you.

  5. Yesterday you asked a question and tried to justify your irresponsible behavior.

    I will answer this question honestly, but the fact is that you have absolutely no insight into your own behavior, so you will ignore my response.

    Yes, it is leading to an affair and you want it to...because your self-esteem is so low that it makes you feel good to think that this man wants you for something long term when really he is just a player and you probably aren't the only woman he is talking to in addition to his wife.


  6. Yes, and he probably calls you on a pay phone so that his wife can't trace the calls on his cell phone. It seems like an affair has begun because you were touching each other in sexual ways. Put an end to this because remember "what goes around comes around".

  7. To be honest this does sound like it will lead to an affair. However, people are putting the blame on YOU and that is takes two to tango and if he was TRULY happy in his marriage then the thought of being with you would never cross his mind. In my opinion, people cheat because they are missing something in their current relationship.

    I would just be careful not to get too involved and get your self heartbroken. You never know if you are just "another girl" or if he really cares about you.

    You never know how things will turn out. Trust me! Your situation sounds VERY familiar...and I was in a similar not exact situation and that guy and I are getting married and have been living together for over a year.

  8. If you respected the fact he was married, or his wife, you wouldn't be engaged in a "friendship" with a man who obviously wants more. Not to mention that you wouldn't be joking about the state of his genitals, let alone touching them. Bail out, or be his next victim.

  9. Didn't you ask this before.  You are definatly playing with fire and you are gonna get burned.  You are going to destroy a marriage and break up a home and for what?  A man that is cheating on his wife, wants to use you for his own diversive pleasures, is going to wreck your life and cause you to punch that one way ticket to h**l?  You need to stop this immediately and send that man back home to his wife.  He is a cheating lying creep and you will get exactly what you so richly deserve if you continue to play with fire.

  10. YOU are playing with fire and YOU are the one who will be burned!

  11. i think this will lead to an affair.

  12. It's already an affair! BTW why would you post this on weddings? We are all about to get married, and this is just depressing... I feel sorry for his wife.

  13. lol why do you keep asking these questions? We have given you excellent advice. You know what we're all going to say because we've said it before!

    Go fool around with your married friend and stop asking questions about it!

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