
Do you think our generation of teenagers will ever change..?

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Well you know how mostly everyone thinks that most teenagers are all rebels, rude, take stuff for granted, etc? Well im curiosu will this ever change? I mean back in the old days like the 50's, teenagers werent as bad as our generation right now right?

So..whats ur opinion? Do you think our generation will ever change or will it remain this way?




  1. (groans, rolls eyes).  I once read a social criticism of depression / WWII era children who were dropped off in movie theaters because a babysitter couldn't be afforded.  The criticism reflected on how these children raised by "talkies" were growing into irresponsible, easily distracted, hypersexual hooligans incapable of joining the ranks of productive society.  Today, we call that generation "The Greatest Generation".  

    Mankind has probably been complaining about "this generation of teenagers" ever since it  perceived a difference between generations.  It gives older generations a feeling of smug superiority to look askance at people raised under different circumstances living their lives in a different way, especially when these elders feel that the different way is inferior. It is a tendency most readily expressed by those who've done the least with their lives, because they obviously can't look at those individuals in their own age cohort to feel better about themselves.

    Leave the published complaints about soaring illegitimacy rates/drug use/etc behind you and understand that no one generation is fundamentally different than the generation before it.  As individuals we're unique, but various generations are hardly more than products of our life and times, molded by the very people who love to critique.  The cliche "the apple never falls far from the tree" holds true, and we're all a lot more alike than we'd like to be.

  2. as long as our society as a whole keeps on putting up with it, then no, things are never going to change.  kids (i say kids because i'm 26) these days get away with so much more than they could when i was a teen.  especially the teenage pregnancies...that is a hot issue for me because my life has been negatively affected by a trashy w***e who used my bf when she was 16 (before he and i met) and now the child is the one who is suffering.  and of course, she had another kid a year ago and naturally she doesn't know who the father is (i know this because she straight up told me) but no, she's on welfare and they continue to allow people like that to keep on doing what they do.  not all teens are bad, or rebel, or act out or whatever, but the ones that do are never gonna change because society allows them to be that way, and actually rewards them for it.

  3. I think it's been the same since the 50's. It might get worse, it might stay the same, it might get better. Who knows?

  4. If it keeps going in the same rate and the same direction the average american teenager will only get worse.

  5. obviously. you do realise kids in the 50's were rebellious too, just to a different degree. and there were teenage pregnancies as well, just lots of parents took the babies off there kids when they were born or they were adopted out.

  6. If the parents change we will!

  7. i think the future teens will be the same as us. As more teens are having kids and many are teaching their child/children less values. So they'll be the same but somewhat a little worse

  8. I disagree with the comment about parents. Yes, the way they raise us has some effect on how we turn out, but doesn't make us who we are. We choose that.  I got pregnant when I was 20 (obviously not a teen but I will still not married) and nothing my parents could have done would have prevented it.  We have our own minds and if we decide to do something, nothing they say will change our minds!

  9. yupp

    pretty much our generation consists of pregnancies, and dope smokers

  10. i think that it will get worse... but i hope it doesnt!!! when i have kids i dont want them telling me "mom im pregnant " or "mom i got my gf pregnant"

    p.s.- i dont have kids im just saying when im married and have kids!

  11. Teenagers have always been the same, it just wasn't publicized the way it was then as it is now.

    The people who were kids in previous decades don't want to admit or can't remember what it was really like.

    My grandmother had her first child in the 50's when she was 14! Teen pregnancy was so high then, maybe even higher than it is now. My grandfather told me that kids would drink while driving and that was just what everyone did!

    Teens are confused about who they are and what they are. That's when the rebel comes out and the rude, ungrateful attitude comes into play. Teenagers will always change, it's the overall attitude of teenagers that's won't. That's not a bad thing though.

  12. I think everything will get worse unless by a miracle our society changes. All of those things in teenagers mainly happen because of how they were raised. Maybe if parents were more focused on raising their children correctly, not how they were raised themselves, then teenagers would be better. Not to sound arrogant, but my family is from Uzbekistan and Israel and I was raised completely differently. (Double adverb :]) So compared to my "American" friends, I'm fortunately one of the most mature and sane teenagers in my town. Unfortunately, the cliche, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree," is true.

  13. Teenagers in the 50's were just as bad as the teens in the 20's and the 80's.  Teens these days are probably the laziest bunch of idiots that ever walked the planet, but then society as a whole has moved us in that direction.  (and therefore we as adults are the laziest bunch of idiots as well)

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